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Molecular in a sentence

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Sentence count:279+4Posted:2017-03-02Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: moleculesecularspeculatespeculatorjocularspeculationavuncularparticularMeaning: [məʊ'lekjələr /-kjʊlə]  adj. 1. relating to or produced by or consisting of molecules 2. relating to simple or elementary organization. 
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(91) Viscosity, or resistance to flow, is a property of fluids containing long molecular chains that tangle and intertwine.
(92) But there are some molecular vibrations which can not interact with this radiation.
(93) Undoubtedly, information theory has its uses in molecular biology, in particular by giving insights into the way genes code for proteins.
(94) But one aspect which is new springs from the advances which have been made in molecular biology.
(95) Many people believed that such low molecular weight products were all one could hope for from ethylene.
(96) Linkage of the addition reaction to the molecular mechanism of catalysis therefore depends on demonstration of sequence specificity.
(97) The Marie Curie Research Institute develops molecular biological research into the causes and treatment of cancer.
(98) It is important to realize that not all molecular vibrations lead to oscillating dipoles.
(99) Search for a preventive treatment for the disease has been greatly aided by advances in molecular genetics.
(100) During the years when the elephant jibe was rife, microbial genetics was at the forefront of molecular biology.
(101) Do we really believe that such an instinct is to be found encoded only into molecular and electromagnetic patterns within the brain?
(102) John Clark meanwhile developed the necessary molecular techniques and the first transgenic lamb was born at Roslin in June 1985.
(103) We shall see, however, that electronic spectra rarely give us direct information about molecular structures.
(104) This allows the onset of molecular motion in amorphous polymers to take place at temperatures below the melting temperature of such crystallites.
(105) The extreme ultraviolet power was only a few watts, but it was adequate to detect molecular hydrogen.
(106) It meant nothing less than rewriting the dogma of molecular biology, almost a redefining of the meaning of life itself.
(107) In the final analysis, conflicting molecular data sets can be judged by considering the biology of the considered organisms.
(108) From studies on living organisms it is impossible to learn details of the molecular events in IL-6 induced gene expression.
(109) An ion exchange process creates an aqueous slurry of platelets of molecular dimensions.
(110) Experience in molecular biology, immunology and cell biology would be an advantage.
(111) The position and sizes of molecular weight standards are indicated.
(111) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(112) These reagents, as well as reference procedures for specialized diagnostic and molecular epidemiologic approaches, are usually not produced commercially.
(113) The system is said to be particularly useful for industrial and scientific applications like molecular modelling, computer animation, robotics control.
(114) By far the most exciting is Molecular Biology of the Cell, which will surely become the standard work for cell biology.
(115) Deuterostome radiations Molecular data r6-8 suggest a profound evolutionary gulf between deuterostomes and protostomes.
(116) It operates through receptors whose molecular and physiological properties closely resemble the calcium-mobilizing ryanodine receptors of muscle.
(117) The molecular identity of the 240K protein is not yet known.
(118) With laser techniques, however, the molecular energy levels of the impurities are quite different from the atomic ones.
(119) Diffusion is controlled by matching molecular shape with pore size.
(120) In the observed frequency range, no other molecular or recombination line has been detected so far in interstellar space.
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