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Emasculate in a sentence

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Sentence count:14+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-11-25Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: cardiovascularcirculatespeculateejaculatecalculatearticulateimmaculategesticulateMeaning: [ɪ'mæskjʊleɪt]  v. 1. deprive of strength or vigor 2. remove the testicles of a male animal. adj. having unsuitable feminine qualities. 
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(1) They were accused of trying to emasculate the report's recommendations.
(2) The company tried to emasculate the unions.
(3) Such a conclusion could emasculate the exercise of many discretionary powers.
(4) The means used to emasculate local government have been varied.
(5) What he did wish was to emasculate his opponents, and then to pretend they were coming together as equals.
(6) Barry worried that working for a woman would emasculate him in his girlfriend's eyes.
(7) To deprive of virility or spirit; emasculate.
(8) Physically, she was of a pale, emasculate and unimportant structure.
(9) Take the orchestra out of the pit, and unless you emasculate their contribution, the problem is compounded.
(10) Enhancing that contempt is the effort of feminists to emasculate the political order itself.
(11) As for those agitators , I wish they would go the whole way and emasculate themselves!
(12) But unlike other reformers he wants not to co-opt labor's leaders rather than emasculate them -- to "enlist" them in the "fight."
(13) To remove the testicles of a male; geld or emasculate.
(14) Castrate: To remove the testicles of a male; geld or emasculate.
More similar words: cardiovascularcirculatespeculateejaculatecalculatearticulateimmaculategesticulatespeculatorspeculationcalculationemulateregulatestimulatecoagulateinsulatedmanipulateaccumulatecongratulatethe mass ofsculpturesecularparticularspectacularin particularparticularlyregulatorregulatoryregulationpopulation
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