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Molecular in a sentence

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Sentence count:279+4Posted:2017-03-02Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: moleculesecularspeculatespeculatorjocularspeculationavuncularparticularMeaning: [məʊ'lekjələr /-kjʊlə]  adj. 1. relating to or produced by or consisting of molecules 2. relating to simple or elementary organization. 
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(121) These studies can be extended, using genetic and molecular screens, to identify genes required for the construction of a synapse.
(122) This basis is then applied to a variety of covalent molecules with discussions of bond lengths and angles and hence molecular shapes.
(123) Recently, John Fagin, an internationally recognized molecular biologist and former genetic engineer from Fairfield, Iowa, made a stand.
(124) Applicants should have a degree in biochemistry, molecular biology, cell biology or a similar background.
(125) The relative molecular mass of NaCl determined from the elevation of boiling point is thus approximately half that calculated from its formula.
(126) Candidates with an interest in molecular biology, protein biochemistry and immunology are urged to apply.
(127) Carbon dioxide, a principal ingredient of the exhaust gases made during combustion of hydrocarbons, has a molecular weight of 44.
(128) Molecular biology of colorectal neoplasia Large bowel cancer is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the western world.
(129) Glaser switched his area of research from bubble chambers and cosmic rays to molecular biology and biophysics.
(130) The molecular messenger that results serves to block a substance that would otherwise slow down protein production.
(131) This indeed has been the case ever since self-replicating molecular assemblages evolved to exploit finite resources.
(132) These will rapidly solidify to form small beads of glass, a type of solid with a disorderly molecular arrangement.
(133) The emphasis of the molecular level of description requires some justification.
(134) The most important are the attractive forces between molecules and the shape, structure and relative molecular mass of these molecules.
(135) From the viewpoint of a molecular biologist, the distance between us seems to decrease as our knowledge increases.
(136) Polyketone resin is high molecular polymer.
(137) A research team led by molecular biologist Pamela C.
(138) Molecular beacons are novel fluorescence oligonucleotide probes fluorescing upon hybridization to their complementary DNA/RNA targets with excellent sensitivity and high selectivity.
(139) The data of GPC indicate that the number-average molecular is 4934 and the polydispersity is 1.978 with a narrow molecular distribution.
(140) We are still very far from explaining how photochrome acts on a cellular or molecular level.
(141) The components of colloid in kenaf bast fiber were assayed, and mechanism of degumming was expounded in molecular level.
(141) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(142) The secret is making sure you buy those that are vine ripened, which eliminates almost all the bitter flavors, says Autar Mattoo, PhD, a molecular biologist with the USDA.
(143) To investigate the molecular mechanism of IMF deposition, we explored the expression patterns of lipoprotein lipase (LPL) gene, hormone sensitive lipase (HSL) gene and the polymorphism of LPL gene.
(144) Protein dispensability has great relevance for our understanding of evolution, cellular molecular physiology and disease.
(145) The class is intended to inspire molecular design of new biological materials for a broad range of applications, from bioelectronics and molecular computing to tissue engineering.
(146) The effect of different bisphenol A (BPA) contents on the properties of novolac resins was studied by microwave synthesis method, and the molecular structures of the resins were analyzed.
(147) This study provides some guidelines for the molecular species identification of the Sparidae.
(148) Binding affinities of a series of benzamide inhibitors for trypsin were evaluated by molecular dynamics (MD) simulations using a linear response approach.
(149) The results of using these techniques indicated that FISH and FISH-related techniques give the clue to study the molecular mechanism of leukemogenesis and provide a rapid, sensiti...
(150) Molecular biologist Irving Weissman at Stanford University, California, injected human brain cells into mouse foetuses , creating a strain of mice approximately 1 per cent human.
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