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Demonstrator in a sentence

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Sentence count:39+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-11-10Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: demonstratedemonstrationadministratorconstrainconstraintDemocratmonsterdemocraticMeaning: ['demənstreɪtə(r)]  n. 1. a teacher or teacher's assistant who demonstrates the principles that are being taught 2. someone who demonstrates an article to a prospective buyer 3. someone who participates in a public display of group feeling. 
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1. The demonstrator turned over a police car.
2. He works as a demonstrator in anatomy at Wolfson College.
3. A tear gas canister fatally wounded one young demonstrator.
4. The demonstrator will be doing double duty.
5. Perhaps not incidentally, a white demonstrator in 1964 joined black people in a Mississippi lunch counter sit-in.
6. He became assistant to the Professor and demonstrator of anatomy, at £25 perannum, plus coals for his sitting room.
7. The demonstrator should indicate the degree of this reliability.
8. After the interruption, Wen reproached the demonstrator.
9. A demonstrator in Asuncion, Paraguay, was struck in the head by a police rubber bullet during a protest in front of the attorney general's office.
10. Sea trials of the demonstrator are planned for 2012 using a French Navy frigate and a Boeing, H-6U Unmanned Little Bird rotorcraft.
11. A demonstrator uses a slingshot against security forces during clashes in Bangkok on May 15, 2010.
12. System form and demonstration method for a demonstrator of grating spectra a represented.
13. The demonstrator stand in a solid line with link arms.
14. Marshals tried to wrestle the demonstrator out of the room.
15. A Red Shirt demonstrator taunts Thai soldiers in downtown Bangkok, Thailand on Friday, May 14, 2010.
16. Police pull down a demonstrator along the route of the Olympic torch in London.
17. Demonstrator should prepare a checklist on the information provided from the Project leader.
18. VODER? Voice Operation DEmonstratoR?
19. There was a special stand in the shop where a demonstrator was showing how the food processor worked.
20. " There you are — like a knife through butter,'said the demonstrator as the powered shovel swung back with its load.
21. He took the natural sciences tripos in 1877 with first-class honours, and was appointed an assistant demonstrator.
22. Another novelty proposed by Alvey is the idea of demonstrator projects which would involve industry and academe in pooling their knowledge.
23. She settled on a five-passenger model that Lockheed was using as a demonstrator in the East.
24. Destined for his father's career he studied at Guy's Hospital where, in 1850[], he became demonstrator in chemistry.
25. Mary and Reggie came in, smiling, and glowing with that special look of the successful demonstrator.
26. With the program cutbacks, the arsenal ship was renamed the maritime fire support demonstrator.
27. The catalyst for the demonstrations was the beating to death of a student demonstrator by riot police.
27. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
28. These systems include the Airborne Laser, Advanced Tactical Laser, Free Electron Laser, High Energy Laser Technology Demonstrator and Tactical Relay Mirror System.
29. This article introduces the structures, characters, electrocircuit and color light changing-orientation work principles of author's self-making light demonstrator of DC electromotor principles.
30. Then, this paper introduces the application of COMS in statistical analysis, voice operation demonstrator and phonetic analysis .
More similar words: demonstratedemonstrationadministratorconstrainconstraintDemocratmonsterdemocraticoratoroperatorconstruenarratorconstructmigratoryinstructorlaboratoryconstructionconstructingstrategyrefrigeratorstrategicfrustrateillustratefrustrationregistrationstrategicallyadministrativeadministrationlemondemocracy
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