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Essentially in a sentence

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Sentence count:295+11Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: au fondbasicallyfundamentallyin essenceSimilar words: potentiallysubstantiallyinfluentialresidentialpresidentialessenceinitiallypartiallyMeaning: [-lɪ]  adv. at bottom or by one's (or its) very nature. 
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151. But the number of women who die from the disease each year has remained essentially the same.
152. In a throwback to the days of Confucius, Jiang essentially wants party members to discover the joys of clean living.
153. The coverage of these chapters is essentially identical to the general instrumental analysis texts listed at the back of the chapters.
154. The task force recommends physical exams every one to three years, essentially duplicating the screenings for the younger group.
155. The death and destruction had torn apart families whose political loyalties had also been divided in what was essentially a civil war.
156. The plots were essentially the same; like any successful entrepreneur, Alger knew when he was on to a good thing.
157. Since costs tend to rise inexorably, attempts to stabilize public spending have essentially meant cuts in actual services.
158. For language learning is essentially learning how grammar functions in the achievement of meaning and it is a mistake to suppose otherwise.
159. Tootle seems to be essentially a cautionary tale,( warning the child to stay on the narrow road of virtue.
160. Those changes essentially relate to a slimming down in the industry itself, but also to significant structural changes.
161. The centres are essentially for advice and usually offer only a limited amount, if any, of further assistance.
162. The role of the ergonomist is essentially an advisory one.
163. The success of the system depends essentially on the segregation of waste paper for separate collection.
164. These procedures are essentially intended to assess the social costs of school reorganization.
165. The defendant had been convicted under two different statutes of two offences which both arose out of essentially the same facts.
166. The difference is essentially one of the spirit and it manifests itself in the habits and attitudes of country folk.
167. The precise boundaries were often changed, but the location of the battlefield remained essentially the same from beginning to end.
168. Energy is essentially expended in three ways: Energy is needed for the chemical changes that go on inside our bodies.
169. Essentially Glasgow and Edinburgh were the two towns which provided the bulk of the membership and carried the burden of administration.
170. By way of contrast, natural resource industries were essentially a birthright.
171. With rare exceptions, they were nominated essentially by the local aristocracy, particularly by the Duke of Newcastle.
172. However, cultural forms themselves are essentially external to human beings as actors.
173. Essentially the bacteria change the harmful ammonia and nitrites that are produced into harmless nitrates that are useful to living plants.
174. In a pure semiconductor the valence band is essentially filled and the higher conduction band essentially empty.
175. Essentially, "domicile" is just a legal term for the place where you live.
176. Essentially, these Gothic novels are not the Gothics of today.
177. Essentially, each code word is a separate, highly specialized entity.
178. Did I not know that men's and women's natures were essentially different?
179. The final mode is described as Command mode, and, essentially, gives command line access to the FastLynx program.
180. The whole argument might be presented as proceeding, essentially, in three main stages.
More similar words: potentiallysubstantiallyinfluentialresidentialpresidentialessenceinitiallypartiallysentimentsubstantialassessmentpassengerpartialinitialassessvesselpalatialdessertdepressedsociallyofficiallyespeciallysenselessconsentsuccessfullysentencerepresentat presentmentallyentity
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