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Essentially in a sentence

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Sentence count:295+11Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: au fondbasicallyfundamentallyin essenceSimilar words: potentiallysubstantiallyinfluentialresidentialpresidentialessenceinitiallypartiallyMeaning: [-lɪ]  adv. at bottom or by one's (or its) very nature. 
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121. What mechanism allows toadstools -- essentially very soft and squashy items -- to push through two inches of asphalt?
122. Yet if one compares these two essentially agrarian communities in temporal terms, the situation is reversed.
123. Hastings' retinue was essentially the duchy of Lancaster connection in the north midlands.
124. Essentially they were informal contingency exchanges whose future character would be determined by perceptions of Soviet actions and intentions.
125. The problem with this type of measure is that compiling the figures is a time-consuming and essentially clerical task.
126. Instead he fought for an essentially spiritual satisfaction-because it made him feel close to some universal force.
127. This has always been an essentially political issue, although race has never been far away.
128. In the first place, most of its key concepts are essentially ambiguous.
129. So essentially antagonistic class interests sharing the same region find themselves allying with each other in their mutual self-interests.sentencedict .com
130. New editions will essentially be cumulations and therefore a longer gap will exist between editions.
131. Even in this restricted form it is possible to write essentially different programs which are nevertheless semantically equivalent.
132. The analysis was done as described in ref. 49, with minor modifications; mice and rats gave essentially similar results.
133. To let in light, the architects left a few gaps-windows-in the essentially monolithic exterior walls.
134. Investors on Wall Street applauded the results, even though sales at stores open at least a year were essentially flat.
135. It essentially involved asking individual children carefully selected questions and noting their responses and their reasoning for those responses.
136. Essentially the court is concerned whether the decision-making body has addressed itself to all relevant factors.
137. These are essentially lists of solicitors experienced in negligence claims, who will offer an initial one hour consultation free of charge.
138. Essentially, council subcommittee recommendations formulated the week of September 17 were accepted without question by the full council five days later.
139. Some remained essentially local, some gained a widespread popular recognition, and certain deities rose to national significance.
140. As such, the operation was essentially different from planning which involved prior political judgements about what ought to be achieved.
141. Printed on hand presses, they had small circulations, and were essentially house organs for political factions.
142. My father was a carpenter and held a passionate but essentially utilitarian belief in education.
143. This whole body of law deals essentially with the use of weapons once an armed conflict has actually broken out.
144. The one at lower energy is a sharp doublet with essentially no progression, just one pair of weak satellites.
145. In this section, however, I want to discuss the rather different possibility that some changes are essentially random.
146. Its average age will essentially depend on the ambient social structure.
147. Analogy means that the events being investigated are essentially similar in kind to those of which we ourselves have direct experience.
148. Essentially the project will assess the question of whether a competitive advantage can be sustained through planned technological change.
149. Essentially, therefore, the provisions only had application to income falling within the first limb.
150. This last variable is worrying, as it essentially means you have no idea what the scheme's going to cost.
More similar words: potentiallysubstantiallyinfluentialresidentialpresidentialessenceinitiallypartiallysentimentsubstantialassessmentpassengerpartialinitialassessvesselpalatialdessertdepressedsociallyofficiallyespeciallysenselessconsentsuccessfullysentencerepresentat presentmentallyentity
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