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Tangy in a sentence

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Sentence count:27Posted:2017-02-15Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: tangletangenttangibletangentialintangibleinstantaneousdingystingyMeaning: adj. tasting sour like a lemon. 
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1. Without a cold biting, nothing is tangy incense.
2. She breathed in the crisp, tangy air and realized that it was almost autumn.
3. Try the tangy, tart coleslaw or the potato salad.
4. It comes with a tangy coarse-grained mustard sauce.
5. It becomes indelibly graced with his tangy inner voicings and mix of the cerebral and the visceral.
6. Chesarynth sucked in another breath of the sweet, tangy air and melted into the crowd, shuffling inside with the rest.
7. In small quantities it adds a tangy richness to mince pies and Christmas pudding.
8. A few drops of tangy lemon oil in the bath will freshen up a hot and clammy patient.
9. He cut it up lengthways and its tangy smell flooded out.
10. It brightens traditional noodle soups and adds a tangy note to spring rolls.
11. Crabapples make a tangy jelly.
12. The tea goes with this tangy lemon tart perfectly.
12. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
13. They taste tart and sweet and tangy.
14. Soft and ripe, with tangy pear, fig, apple and spice flavors that linger on the palate.
15. We love its thick , creamy texture and tangy taste.
16. The tangy tartness of the lime juice combined with the antiseptic astringency of the icy-cold vodka—wonderful.
17. Jennifer: And they have tangy, freshly - made salsa , too.
18. Succulent salmon covered in sweet, luscious , tangy fruits and baked in a pineapple shell.
19. This is the stuff from which good beer is made as it is hard and has absorbed a tangy flavour.
20. I loved the smell of cork grease and slide oil, of musty woolen uniforms[], and the tangy dankness of brassy horn bells.
21. The chopped brisket variation resembles a sandwich made with minced meat in a tangy tomato sauce called a "Sloppy Joe" in other parts of the country.
22. Like verdancy tea Wen Zhi has the sweet smell of Yue bazoo, quality jumps over high tea, fragrance is more full-bodied and tangy.
23. Th is goat's milk cheese, or chevre, is formed into pyramids and covered in salted, powdered charcoal ash. The flavor is delicately tangy and fruity.
24. Depending upon ripeness at harvest and vinification technique, Pinot Gris can be tangy and light, or quite rich, round and full bodied.
25. The 2006 Sauvignon Blanc has wonderful honeydew melon, lemon, grapefruit and key lime aromas that lead into tangy citrus and tangerine flavors.
26. Olympia, however, tastes as smooth as early Roxy was tangy.
27. Skin of one flake lemon is baked with microtherm in boiler, not only but the peculiar smell with indoor eliminate, and still can make indoor fragrance tangy.
More similar words: tangletangenttangibletangentialintangibleinstantaneousdingystingygangangstangelangryslangangerrangeanglebangleorangedanglechangehang outhang uphang onhangoutdangerlanguidstrangearrangeanguishangrily
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