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Essentially in a sentence

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Sentence count:295+11 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: au fondbasicallyfundamentallyin essenceSimilar words: potentiallysubstantiallyinfluentialresidentialpresidentialessenceinitiallypartiallyMeaning: [-lɪ]  adv. at bottom or by one's (or its) very nature. 
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1. He had an essentially subordinate role.
2. Ballet is essentially a middle-class interest.
3. The course is essentially theoretical in orientation.
4. The school appeared essentially unchanged since my day.
5. Although she made intermittent movie appearances, she was essentially a stage actress.
6. All these sacrifices are essentially offerings to the gods.
7. A society is essentially an organism.
8. What he's saying is essentially true.
9. The pattern is essentially the same in all cases.
9. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
10. Taste in art is essentially subjective.
11. Essentially, vines and grapes need water, heat and light.
12. Yoga is essentially religious and not just physical.
13. Really great men are essentially modest.
14. Our approach is essentially pragmatic.
15. She is an essentially selfish person.
16. Essentially, we are talking about the cold war period.
17. Essentially, the West has only two options.
18. The two groups are essentially separate and independent.
19. Humans are essentially rational beings.
20. He's essentially a very generous man.
21. Mathematics is concerned essentially with understanding abstract concepts.
22. He was essentially a man of the theatre.
23. Suicide rates have remained essentially unchanged.
24. Their strategy was essentially political in nature.
25. He was, essentially, a teacher, not a manager.
26. The book is essentially an exhortation to religious tolerance.
27. It is essentially a simple notion, but explicating it is difficult.
28. She was reluctant to intervene in what was essentially a private dispute.
29. It's been believed for centuries that great writers, composers and scientists are essentially quite different from ordinary people.
30. The mission for the crew of the space shuttle Endeavour is essentially over.
More similar words: potentiallysubstantiallyinfluentialresidentialpresidentialessenceinitiallypartiallysentimentsubstantialassessmentpassengerpartialinitialassessvesselpalatialdessertdepressedsociallyofficiallyespeciallysenselessconsentsuccessfullysentencerepresentat presentmentallyentity
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