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Bagpipe in a sentence

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Sentence count:28Posted:2017-02-15Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: pipepipespipe downepiphanybagbagswiperipeMeaning: n. a wind instrument; the player blows air into a bag and squeezes it out through the instrument. 
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1. The wail of the bagpipe could be heard in the distance.
2. Tom was aghast when he saw the bagpipes.
3. This was the road where the bagpipes had been hit by a piece of shrapnel.
4. The sound of bagpipes heralded the return of the hometown hero.
5. Bagpipes are considered family heirlooms and the pipers provide their own.
6. The bagpipes were still there, they had not played a note since yesterday afternoon.
7. The memorial at the bomb site featured mournful bagpipes played Amazing Grace after Marine Capt.
8. He started to learn the bagpipes at the age of nine and won several junior prizes.
9. I started up the bagpipes and was soon under way, marching up and down the church hall.
10. This is a kind of Scottish bagpipe.
11. The bagpipe is a sweet musical instrument.
12. Learning Irish bagpipe need how long?Sentencedict
13. This is a kind of bagpipe.
14. A wailful bagpipe played out in the night.
15. Previous streaks by the Pundits included a bagpipe player, who provided musical accompaniment to the festivities.
16. Any of the pipes of a bagpipe tuned to produce a single tone.
17. The flexible air-filled chamber of a bagpipe, an accordion, or a similar wind instrument.
18. I drop out to the side of the road and pull off my rucksack containing the bagpipes.
19. The Highlanders were very generous, not only with their bagpipe reeds but also with their wee drams.
20. On the bitterly cold morning of Sunday 13 November 1715 the two armies were woken respectively by bagpipes and trumpets.
21. Because when the curtain went up, there were three men playing the bagpipes.
22. Given permission by the Brigade Major to pay a visit to the Highland Division to obtain new reeds for the bagpipes.
23. Maybe the Officer had a point, that this was no place to play bagpipes.
24. I could hear the slow[], mournful music of the bagpipes.
25. He lowered his face into his hands and sighed once with relief, a sound like a low note on a bagpipe.
26. There, in the foothills of the Ruwenzoris, we heard, of all the sounds in the world, bagpipes.
27. They arrived at the federal building site to the keening of bagpipes.
28. Emperor Frederick showed him great kindness and asked what reward he wanted for playing so well upon the bagpipes.
More similar words: pipepipespipe downepiphanybagbagswiperipewipe outhandbagrecipebags ofbaggagegarbageschoolbagarchipelagoshopping bagantipersonnellet the cat out of the bag
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