Antonym: conclusion. Similar words: consumption, bumptious, sumptuous, assume, option, adoption, summation, reception. Meaning: [ə'sʌmpʃn] n. 1. a statement that is assumed to be true and from which a conclusion can be drawn 2. a hypothesis that is taken for granted 3. the act of taking possession of or power over something 4. celebration in the Roman Catholic Church of the Virgin Mary's being taken up into heaven when her earthly life ended; corresponds to the Dormition in the Eastern Orthodox church 5. audacious (even arrogant) behavior that you have no right to 6. (Christianity) the taking up of the body and soul of the Virgin Mary when her earthly life had ended 7. the act of assuming or taking for granted.
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151. One original assumption here was that legislators are more responsive to demands for expenditure than to public concern for tax levels.
152. We will consider the implications of the failure of this assumption later in the section.
153. For a long time, this was sufficient justification for Friedmann's assumption - as a rough approximation to the real universe.
154. Brawley of the National Cancer Institute said recent data counter the widespread assumption that blacks are underrepresented in cancer treatment trials.
155. There is an assumption in it, and, I contend, the assumption is false.
156. Reddy disagrees with the assumption that such expensive energy supply is necessary.
157. The furore among providers about current government-funding policies which challenge the latter assumption suggests that this is a real danger.
158. On Becoming a Leader is based on the assumption that leaders are people who are able to express themselves fully.
159. Whether this assumption is properly made depends ultimately upon one's conception of meaning and on questionable premises concerning legislative intent.
160. Perhaps, although believing all that requires a leap of faith into the misty chasm of supply-side assumption.
161. Yet it is this very assumption which these writers call into question.
162. We then cross-tabulated status as thus categorized against whether or not teachers had seen the booklet and found our assumption to be correct.
163. While the criticisms vary, the underlying assumption is that overall economic growth has been speeding up.
164. This can lead to the mistaken assumption that the catalogue contains nothing relevant.
165. This assumption will later be relaxed when the nonlinear breakeven case is examined.
166. It is only prepared to make that payment on the assumption that the Business is a going concern without too many problems.
167. The Council tax is based on the capital value of each property, on the assumption that it contains two adult members.
168. We also need to ensure that all children are educated beyond an assumption that mathematics has one correct form.
169. When a crime is reported to the police they do not work on the assumption that anyone could have done it.
170. This assumption makes it easier to understand some of the sudden political changes in south-eastern Britain.
171. This figure is calculated on the assumption that an album retails for just under £7.
172. His upbringing, education and training had been based on the assumption that in any situation his class were the natural leaders.
173. As this model stands it is rather cumbersome even with the simplifying assumption of a constant required rate of return.
174. Therefore, the choice of method depends on which assumption is closest to reality.
175. A scatterplot is needed to assess the linearity assumption underlying each correlation or regression coefficient between pairs of quantitative variables.
175. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
176. In earlier chapters I made the assumption that there was no problem, because individual reproduction was equivalent to gene survival.
177. As the generations go by, under the assumption of blending inheritance, variation is bound to become swamped.
178. But this was based on the assumption that the current tax relief limit of £30,000 would be increased in line with inflation.
179. The strategic order among the major nuclear powers is fragile, however, because it rests heavily on the assumption of nonuse.
180. These interpretations, however, are based on the assumption that there were no effects of subjective risk in Study 2.
More similar words: consumption, bumptious, sumptuous, assume, option, adoption, summation, reception, perception, exception, conception, corruption, description, prescription, association, assure, notion, motion, nation, action, edition, fiction, mention, section, portion, auction, question, operation, donation, zonation.