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Assumption in a sentence

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Sentence count:252+9Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: conclusionSimilar words: consumptionbumptioussumptuousassumeoptionadoptionsummationreceptionMeaning: [ə'sʌmpʃn]  n. 1. a statement that is assumed to be true and from which a conclusion can be drawn 2. a hypothesis that is taken for granted 3. the act of taking possession of or power over something 4. celebration in the Roman Catholic Church of the Virgin Mary's being taken up into heaven when her earthly life ended; corresponds to the Dormition in the Eastern Orthodox church 5. audacious (even arrogant) behavior that you have no right to 6. (Christianity) the taking up of the body and soul of the Virgin Mary when her earthly life had ended 7. the act of assuming or taking for granted. 
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181. Yes the Socialists will probably win -- that seems a fair assumption.
182. It is a reasonable assumption that improvements can be made even to the best of schools.
183. More realistic estimates are based on the assumption that fertility will gradually decline to around replacement level.
184. A basic assumption was that they would be the experts on everything.
185. A basic economic assumption in a market economy is the continual adjustment of supply and demand toward an equilibrium point.
186. The policy may be based on an assumption that not many houses are required in the whole district.
187. Politicians seem to work on the assumption that the early bird catches the voter.
188. This mindset's assumption is a perverse conception of culture.
189. The Assumption of the Sand - dune.
190. Mommsen's assumption therefore seems to be completely inadmissible.
191. The validity of this assumption was investigated by Podolry.
192. In some situations, this assumption may not be tenable.
193. To make such an assumption is groundless and valueless.
194. Valuation basisinclude interest assumption and mortality rate assumption.
195. The runs test does not require the normality assumption.
196. This rather saucy assumption failed in being offensive.
197. However, author offers no evidence to substantiate this assumption.
198. The hypothesis of economic man is a most basic assumption prerequisite of western economics theory.
199. The Feast of the Assumption is celebrated on August 15.
200. Finally, the paper proposes the assumption of the betterment and confirms the way of future works.
201. The concept of rationality has been the basic assumption and the indispensable premise of economic theory.
202. If, however , the sample sizes are large enough, we do not need the assumption of normality.
203. And the of actuarial mathematic formula for calculating expectation - of - life under linear assumption of great significance.
204. The assumption of horizontal flow in the vicinity of the drains fails.
205. Economists are working on the assumption of an interest rate cut.
206. Were this to happen,( then the assumption of their parallel axiom would be invalid.
207. This far - reaching assumption about the invariance of physical laws is a foundation stone oftheory of relativity.
208. Under the assumption of equivalent strain a damage constitutive model is established based on Mohr - Coulomb criterion.
209. The knee - jerk assumption of he argues, is that as countries modernise they take on western characteristics.
210. MISO option uses the von Mises yield criteria coupled with an isotropic work hardening assumption.
More similar words: consumptionbumptioussumptuousassumeoptionadoptionsummationreceptionperceptionexceptionconceptioncorruptiondescriptionprescriptionassociationassurenotionmotionnationactioneditionfictionmentionsectionportionauctionquestionoperationdonationzonation
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