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Typically in a sentence

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Sentence count:224+14 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: typicaltropicalbasicallyphysicallyironicallypracticallypoliticallyhistoricallyMeaning: [ˈtɪpɪkəlɪ]  adv. in a typical manner. 
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1. Inventions typically involve minor improvements in technology.
2. The hospital provides typically awful institutional food.
3. This was a typically ungenerous response.
4. The factory typically produces 500 chairs a week.
5. The climate here is typically continental.
6. It was a typically robust performance by the Foreign Secretary.
7. It typically takes a day or two, depending on size.
8. High-flyers in the industry typically earn 25% more than their colleagues.
9. In chess there are typically about 36 legal moves from any given board position.
10. For skilled occupations the supply of labour is typically fairly inelastic, because few workers are capable of doing the work.
11. Typically, he didn't even bother to tell anyone he was going.
12. Henin gave a typically gritty performance, coming back from 4-0 down.
13. He had an actor's typically malleable features.
14. Typically, she couldn't find her keys.
15. I typically get around 30 emails a day.
16. Mature apple trees are typically 20 feet tall.
17. That's a typically masculine attitude!
18. Hunting was a typically masculine occupation.
18. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
19. Awareness of class is a typically British trait.
20. Al was his typically cheerful self again.
21. Sarah has typically British fair skin.
22. He was typically modest about his achievements.
23. Mothers typically worry about their children.
24. Philip paced the floor, a typically nervous expectant father.
25. He tackled the problem in a typically haphazard manner.
26. Typically, she had forgotten her keys again.
27. The captain was typically self-effacing when questioned about the team's successes, giving credit to the other players.
28. Tickets for such events will typically cost around thirty dollars.
29. The disease typically manifested itself in a high fever and chest pains.
30. I always couple Hemingway and Steinbeck together as being typically American writers.
More similar words: typicaltropicalbasicallyphysicallyironicallypracticallypoliticallyhistoricallyeconomicallydramaticallyspecificallyautomaticallyradicalmusicallogicalmedicalethicalverticalcriticalclinicalchemicalpracticalhistoricalidenticalclassicalpoliticaltechnicaltheoreticalmechanicalbiological
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