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Specifically in a sentence

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Sentence count:208+7 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: specificspecifyespeciallyspeciesspecialspecialtysignificantspecializeMeaning: [spɪˈsɪfɪkəlɪ]  adv. in distinction from others. 
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(1) We haven't specifically targeted school children.
(2) The bottle was specifically labeled "poison.".
(3) The book was written specifically for children.
(4) I specifically asked you not to do that!
(5) In recent years, doctors have been trained specifically for general practice.
(6) These jeans are designed specifically for women.
(7) Set aside a period of time specifically for study.
(8) The law specifically prohibits acts of this kind.
(9) We tailored the part specifically for her.
(10) I told you specifically not to do that.
(11) I specifically asked you not to be late.
(12) We are aiming our campaign specifically at young people.
(13) You were specifically warned not to eat fish.
(14) We specifically wanted to congratulate certain players.
(15) The missile is aimed specifically to destroy military targets.
(16) Several people, specifically Tom(, Mike and Joan have agreed.
(17) We were specifically warned against buying the house.
(18) The houses are specifically designed for old people.
(19) The paper is targeted specifically at young people.
(20) These advertisements are specifically aimed at young people.
(21) Specifically, the department wanted answers to the following questions.
(22) She did not specifically mention your name.
(23) I specifically asked for this steak rare.
(24) The Act specifically prohibits any council from spending money for political purposes.
(25) The newspaper, or more specifically, the editor, was taken to court for publishing the photographs.
(26) This is a European, and not a specifically British, problem.
(27) Some of the data was specifically excluded from the report.
(28) The women's shoe, like its male counterpart, is specifically designed for the serious tennis player.
(29) Our training programmes are geared specifically to the needs of older workers.
(30) The frequent occurrence of earthquakes in the area means that the buildings must be specifically designed to withstand the force.
More similar words: specificspecifyespeciallyspeciesspecialspecialtysignificantspecializespecialistsignificancesignificantlyidentificationesterificationbasicallytypicallyironicallyphysicallypoliticallyhistoricallypracticallydramaticallyeconomicallyautomaticallyterrificartificialscientificaspectsuspectofficiallyprospect
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