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Officer in a sentence

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Sentence count:239+49 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: soldiersoldierSimilar words: officehead officeofficialefficacyofficiallyofficiousefficientdifficultMeaning: ['ɔfɪsər ,'ɑ /'ɒf-]  n. 1. any person in the armed services who holds a position of authority or command 2. someone who is appointed or elected to an office and who holds a position of trust 3. a member of a police force 4. a person authorized to serve in a position of authority on a vessel. v. direct or command as an officer. 
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1. He telephoned the duty officer at regimental headquarters.
2. The longest-serving officer always takes precedence.
3. My brother is an officer in the Navy.
4. The officer grabbed him by the arm .
5. The officer deserted to the enemy.
6. The officer remanded him to his post.
6. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
7. The officer transferred his affections to the other girl.
8. Which officer in the ship navigates?
9. Whenever you see an officer, you must salute.
10. He has perfect credentials to make an officer.
11. He countermanded his instructions to his staff officer.
12. He dreamed to be an officer.
13. He was once an officer in the cavalry.
14. The officer clouted her on the head.
15. The officer brazened out the scandal.
16. The Night Duty Officer was ready to clock off.
17. He is a retired naval officer.
18. He saw service as an infantry officer.
19. The customs officer inspected my passport suspiciously.
20. The reactionary officer then ordered him arrested.
21. The decision rests with the ranking officer.
22. He told the chief officer to haul the ship off four points.
23. An ensign is a junior officer in the United States Navy.
24. His conduct was totally unbecoming to an officer in the British armed services.
25. The officer undid the flap of his holster and drew his gun.
26. We must send our most trusted officer to parley with their leaders for an exchange of prisoners.
27. As a police officer you are expected to uphold the law whether you agree with it or not.
28. Do you know it is a very serious offence to impersonate a police officer?
29. The matter was passed on to me, as your commanding officer.
30. He's hoping for a career in the police force/as a police officer.
More similar words: officehead officeofficialefficacyofficiallyofficiousefficientdifficultefficiencysufficientcancersoccerdancerdiffidentconcertgrocerycertainconcernicedriceniceceremonyproducerslicejuicepricevoicecertainlyuncertainfor certain
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