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Per in a sentence

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Sentence count:201+52 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: par.herpeerpetpop.Rev.sec.vegMeaning: [pɜː]  prep.1. for each; for every: Membership costs ten dollars per year. This cloth is two dollars per yard. 2. by means of; by; through: I am sending the recipe per messenger. 3. according to; in accordance with: I delivered the box per your instructions. adv. 4. Informal. each; for each one: The charge for window-washing was five dollars per.. 
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1. 30 dollars a day, plus 20 cents per mile.
2. They have the world's largest per capita income.
3. Membership is 350 dollars per year plus tax.
4. Growth will accelerate to 2.9 per cent next year.
5. Most restaurants add a 10 per cent service charge.
6. The hotel costs £65 per person per night.
7. The government raised defence appropriations by 12 per cent.
8. Five per cent of children stammer at some point.
9. A postman's wages are 180 per week.
10. Customs and excise receipts rose 2.5 per cent.
11. The blades spin at 100 rotations per minute.
12. How much is it per day?
13. The park attracts 4 million visitors per year.
14. The price was reduced 9 per cent.
15. The car does about 50 miles per gallon .
16. How much is it per person?
17. The system is not 100 per cent foolproof.
18. What per cent of the population read/reads books?
19. Only 13 per cent of consultants are female.
20. Top speed is 120 miles per hour.
21. Average earnings are around £20 000 per annum.
22. The curve illustrates costs per capita.
23. I'm sending a parcel to you per bearer.
23. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
24. My car can go 140 kilometres per hour.
25. Ten per cent of the population lived in poverty.
26. The population is increasing at about 6% per year.
27. Pay increases were pegged at five per cent.
28. The fruit costs 30 pence per kilo.
29. We restrict the number of students per class to 10.
30. He was treated in hospital for 60 per cent burns.
More similar words: par.herpeerpetpop.Rev.sec.vegairbarbebegbetcardeereraeverfarfeefewforfurgeargethehearherbhereherohers
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  • Marcos 2023-02-28 16:30:19
    .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            bye                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                         
  • Gloria 2023-02-24 15:03:54
    .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                        
  • Leo 2023-02-24 02:50:02
    .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            :)                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                        
  • Marcos 2023-02-23 20:51:16
    .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            :)                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                        
  • Hernando 2023-02-23 15:58:30
    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////                                                                                                                           ///                                                                                                                            ///                                                                                                                            /// .                                                                                                                            ///                                                                                                                            /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////                                                                                                                     
  • Angelita 2023-02-23 15:55:23
    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////                                                                                                                           ///                                                                                                                            ///                                                                                                                            /// .                                                                                                                            ///                                                                                                                            /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////                                                                                                                     
  • Angelita 2023-02-23 02:32:19
    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////                                                                                                                           ///                                                                                                                            ///                                                                                                                            /// .                                                                                                                            ///                                                                                                                            /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////                                                                                                                     
  • ● WARNING 2023-02-22 14:17:19
    .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            Why? Can you tell me why?                                                                                                                            Why are you not searching on PonyExpress? It has 300 million sentences.                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                              
  • ☑☑☑Approved User☑☑☑ 2023-02-15 19:00:07
    .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            I think is MUCH better than this site. Google lengusa and search the same keyword...                                                                                                                           .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                              
  • me 2023-02-15 19:00:07
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