Similar words: social, social services, associate, associated, association, officially, especially, society. Meaning: [ˈsəʊʃəlɪ] adv. 1. by or with respect to society 2. in a social manner.
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91. The market therefore does not produce a socially efficient allocation of resources.
92. Socially useful design not merely exposes, criticises and challenges this process, but also presents constructive alternatives.
93. The subset who benefited from disulfiram treatment were older and more socially stable than others who relapsed.
94. Government traders could have been mistaken for socially conscious East Coast WASPs, had they only been a bit more repressed.
95. Despite its physical separation from the continuously built up conurbation, Cramlington is now socially a part of Tyneside.
96. Some, like the Body Shop or Ben and Jerry's are obviously driven by socially conscious entrepreneurs.
97. Advertising also creates the impression that smoking is a socially acceptable
98. Particular emphasis on socially oriented topics, such as receiving visitors, making visits, appointments, entertainment and business travel.
99. I am much more aware of oppression and racism now, more socially aware, more into doing things to help people.
100. Not only do girls generally do better with language, reading, and writing; they are also socially more adept.
101. Socially they live in loose communities comprising a set of juxtaposed home ranges utilized by females and their dependent young.
102. No, there are plenty of healthier and more socially acceptable options.
103. Startups seem to go more against the grain, socially.
104. I feel socially connected to on-line brand community.
105. Scholars say a certain amount of fibbing is socially acceptable — even necessary — to compete in the online dating culture.
106. In another part of our research, we had 25 undergraduates undergo functional magnetic resonance imaging while playing a computer-based game in which they were socially included or excluded.
107. In fact, corrupt to medical treatment. Have early socially " stamp infrangible blain " say, how punish, each have wise move.
108. "What we have is a group of older people who have fewer resources socially, fewer fiscal resources, and have less employability," he says.
109. This kind of speech analysis could, he claims, improve the quality of audio conference calls by helping participants in a distributed meeting to feel socially connected.
110. The way negative feedback is given is predominantly through negative assessments, which represent a socially problematic action according to research on ordinary talk-in-interaction (Pomerantz, 1984).
111. "There was a presumption that financial innovation is socially valuable, " Woolley said to me.
112. Retreatism: those who reject socially approved goals and the means for acquiring them.
113. The research showed that socially connected groups of early adopters helped the iPhone spread rapidly.
114. More recently however they have also been blamed for a self-indulgence that has left the country financially, socially and even morally crippled.
115. Depression is another risk factor for memory loss, so managing stress and staying socially connected is also important.
116. Beyond personality traits, the single best predictor of an ability to deal well with stress is how socially connected you are.
117. The law of value is determined by socially necessary labour time.
118. In some communities where the peer group method is socially acceptable, prospective borrowers may seek out the least risky peers to form groups.
119. Because our friends and family naturally have a positive bias towards us, they may rate us higher than a stranger on socially desirable personality traits.
120. Staying socially connected is also associated with brain health, as is managing stress effectively.
More similar words: social, social services, associate, associated, association, officially, especially, society, racial, official, special, crucial, judicial, specialty, commercial, financial, artificial, specialize, specialist, initially, partially, essentially, potentially, substantially, financial crisis, sock, soccer, so-called, ally, musician.