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Sock in a sentence

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Sentence count:110+5 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-18Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: batcrackhitjabknockstockingstrikewhackSimilar words: docksoccersocialblockstockshockknocksociallyMeaning: [sɑk /sɒk]  n. 1. hosiery consisting of a cloth covering for the foot; worn inside the shoe; reaches to between the ankle and the knee 2. a truncated cloth cone mounted on a mast; used (e.g., at airports) to show the direction of the wind. v. hit hard. 
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1) Please darn the hole in my sock.
2) Sock Shop was one of the high-street success stories of the 80s.
3) You've worn a hole in your sock.
4) Give him a sock on the jaw!
5) A toe peeked through the hole in his sock.
6) Go in there and sock it to 'em!
7) Larry gave him a sock on the arm.
8) Sock him on the jaw!
9) He gave his sock a hitch.
10) The skin under my sock was rubbed raw .
11) He put a sock in it.
12) Hey, put a sock in it, will you? I'm trying to work here.
13) Can't you put a sock in it? I'm trying to work.
14) Larry gave him a sock in the arm.
15) Here's one sock, but where's the other one?
16) Bridget picked up her sock doll and hummed softly.
17) The wind sock was on the northern edge.
18) That man can read a wind sock quicker, better, than anyone you can imagine.
19) Rex finished up the work on the replacement sock valves.
20) Today, also odd sock day, students and lecturers will be selling themselves to carry out jobs for the week.
21) In shock, I tied my sock around the worst-cut foot to try and stanch the flow of blood.
22) They stuffed a sock into her mouth, pushed her inside and kicked her to the floor breaking her ankle and wrist.
23) The 170-pound Veras put some sock where his mouth is an inning later.
24) Another granny has been mob-raped in her sock by black boys and skinheads.
25) He groped around in the dark for his other sock.
26) There is a hole in the toe of my sock.
27) That sort does all sorts of silly things,[] till experience tells them to put a sock in it.
28) Sock Shop, incidentally, says it has no plans as yet for ties with sock motifs on them.
29) To avoid upsetting the kids, Dad spoke to Mum more than once in private, telling her to put a sock in it.
30) You put the wind up her with that crucifix down your sock.
More similar words: docksoccersocialblockstockshockknocksociallyso-calledsocietyhockeyrocketcockedknock offknock outassociateknock downassociatedassociationsocial services
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