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Socially in a sentence

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Sentence count:160+9Posted:2016-07-22Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: socialsocial servicesassociateassociatedassociationofficiallyespeciallysocietyMeaning: [ˈsəʊʃəlɪ]  adv. 1. by or with respect to society 2. in a social manner. 
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121. East of Fort Smith down the Arkansas River, and in the mountains to the north, the counties tended to be populist, socially conservative, and pretty evenly divided between Republicans and Democrats.
122. On the opposite side, however, we deny the reality of being socially connected beings who also need to connect, co-operate and help one another to ensure that we thrive.
123. Recovery was defined as not only remission of symptoms, but being able to function both socially and vocationally.
124. A value may be defined as an enduring belief that a specific mode of conduct or end-state of existence is personally or socially preferable to another.
125. Trying to do something socially constructive, like being a role model, will make you seem overearnest and probably hurt your street credibility .
126. Dedicated players group socially together online in clans and then pay a subscription fee to an aggregator to host a dedicated server for their use.
127. "We want to improve social skills among people who tend to be socially isolated, " said Marc Lazar,( Aspiritech's autism specialist.
128. Underestimate your baby. You may not be able to see it right away, but your baby is profiting sensually, intellectually, and socially thanks to your reading.
129. It's socially harmful: Actively considering marriage when you're 20 or 21 seems so sappy and so unsexy.
130. You don't have to be thin, naturally blond, super successful, socially connected, knowledgeable about politics or even particularly charming to find it.
131. In comparison to her American sisters, the Englishwoman, in general, is not so well educated or so well off socially or economically.
132. "Everyone thinks of socially responsible businesses in a fairly narrow way, " says Christina Houlahan, B Corp's vice-president of business services.
133. He was hypersensitive in tactility and smell, and he was inappropriate socially, repeating questions and comments.
134. Rectovaginal fistula, an abnormal epithelium-lined communication between the rectum and vagina, poses a great impact emotionally, socially, and sexually in all affected women.
135. This way, Bandit and robots like it could draw socially detached kids into simple games, like Simon Says or hide-and-seek and, ultimately, social activities with people.
136. Put-down humor, such as telling friends an embarrassing story about another friend, is a socially acceptable way to deploy aggression and make others look bad so you look good.
137. A growing body of research by sociologists and behavioral economists finds a dazzling array of cognitively, culturally and socially distinct ways in which people approach money.
138. The discovery was made by psychologists at the University of California and "underscores the importance of social relationships and staying socially connected", they reported.
139. The much talked about sonic boom was considered socially unacceptable and meant Concorde was restricted to flying supersonic over the ocean.
140. A little chatting can have a big payoff: A Harvard study last year found that socially connected peoplekept more of their memory intact as they aged -- up to twice as much, according to one measure.
141. By the same token, an investor can make investment decisions to support these same companies. A socially responsible investment strategy should maximise both financial returns and the social good.
142. He never had any chance of being especially gifted athletically or socially. But what could he have been if his world had been a little different in the early days?
143. A dweeb is a person who is seen as being foolish and socially lacking. Note that people who are called dweebs are often very good at their studies in school.
144. Children who witnessed these kinds of parental disputes also tended to be more emotionally secure and well-adjusted socially.
145. From London to Lucknow, Moscow to Macau, many places around the world have established customs concerning the manner in which infusions of Camellia sinensis leaves are socially imbibed.
146. Nostalgic products fill a need to belong and feel socially connected, according to an Arizona State University study published in the Journal of Consumer Research last year.
147. But in Paris, where grumpiness is the socially approved mode, the smiles are shocking, as if someone had just put LSD in the wine supply.
148. We should stick to and improve the basic old-age pension and medical insurance systems for urban workers, combining socially pooled funds with personal contributions.
149. Healthier choices, such as taking short workday breaks, exercising and staying socially connected, "will help you manage things better.
150. Farmers could now plan on long-term returns; years of labor on a ditch, known in Niger as a zai, became not just socially worthwhile but personally profitable.
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