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Socially in a sentence

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Sentence count:160+9Posted:2016-07-22Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: socialsocial servicesassociateassociatedassociationofficiallyespeciallysocietyMeaning: [ˈsəʊʃəlɪ]  adv. 1. by or with respect to society 2. in a social manner. 
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61. It's just that some are socially acceptable and available within the law, others are most definitely not.
62. Driving under the influence of alcohol has come to be seen as socially unacceptable.
63. It certainly helps if you mix socially with successful people who encourage you.
64. I knew what is socially acceptable and what is not.
65. But I did learn things about people and eventually came into my own socially.
66. With his inherent love of life, he started meeting people socially again, although he abstained from alcohol and cigarettes.
67. Socially, economically and in human terms, the citizens of the Community are coming
68. To approach this question, we bear in mind the principle that variability in language is socially functional.
69. This, it can be argued, is socially constructed and varies over time.
70. Clearly many issues such as drug and alcohol abuse, prostitution, and even poverty are socially constructed problems.
71. It was as independent of will and conscious choice as any other form of socially conditioned conduct.
72. This attitude protects you from negative suggestions and strengthens your defence mechanism in a socially acceptable way.
73. Many people find it socially and morally advantageous to hypocritically profess their religious beliefs, and to use religion to justify what they want to believe and do. Dr T.P.Chia 
74. It should be noted that these stages are to a considerable extent socially and economically determined.
75. Can we see gender being socially constructed along with the technology?
76. It is a deliberate artifact of culture, and is socially constructed in myriad ways.
77. This is partly the inevitable consequence of gender being socially constructed.
78. They are socially mobile, many of them having risen from working class backgrounds to new heights in the class structure.
79. But government intervention is not the only way to cope with the problem of socially inefficient resource allocation due to externalities.
80. Even the socially conscious Victorians allow their principles to waver on this question.
81. Property rights thus have a distributional implication - who compensates whom - but also act to achieve the socially efficient allocation.
82. But trainee advisers who are socially aware can still use that information for Joseph's benefit.
83. What evolutionary advantage has this extra effort conferred on cats? a. Cats are fiercely territorial but very socially aware creatures.
84. Socially useful designs of advanced systems would develop these techniques further.
85. Most lived within or near Camden or some lived as far away as Kiburn.all lived in Socially assisted accommodation.
86. A number of grants and incentives are available for projects which are socially desirable(, but not commercially viable without support.
87. It is tempting to underestimate the scale and radical nature of changes occurring around us, socially or geographically.
88. In some areas rate levels were already beyond the limits which were regarded as socially and politically acceptable.
89. The Drugs unit aims to expand pupils' knowledge of drugs so that they appreciate that only some drugs are socially acceptable.
90. Smoking is no longer considered socially acceptable by many people.
More similar words: socialsocial servicesassociateassociatedassociationofficiallyespeciallysocietyracialofficialspecialcrucialjudicialspecialtycommercialfinancialartificialspecializespecialistinitiallypartiallyessentiallypotentiallysubstantiallyfinancial crisissocksoccerso-calledallymusician
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