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Widely in a sentence

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Sentence count:256+39 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: wideSimilar words: wideworldwidewidespreadnationwidedeliberatelyguidelineside by sidewidowMeaning: ['waɪdlɪ]  adv. 1. to a great degree 2. to or over a great extent or range; far 3. so as to leave much space or distance between. 
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1. Poetry is simply the most beautiful, impressive and widely effective mode of saying things, and hence its importance. 
2. The school is widely admired for its excellent teaching.
3. He is widely regarded as Hungary's most skilful politician.
4. His tutor encouraged him to read widely in philosophy.
5. The population in this area is quite widely dispersed.
6. Ecstasy is widely misrepresented as a soft drug.
7. People's attitude towards the president varies widely.
8. The Decameron is widely regarded as Boccaccio's chef d'oeuvre.
9. The leaflets have been widely distributed.
10. People's attitude towards the skyscrapers varies widely.
11. The event was widely covered by the mass media.
12. He irrigates his mind by reading widely.
13. Garlic was widely used in folk medicine.
14. The brothers differ widely in their tastes.
15. Mortality from heart disease varies widely across the world.
16. Chlorine is widely used to kill germs.
17. The committee comprises men of widely different views.
18. Organic food is now widely available.
19. The incident has been widely reported in the press.
20. We consulted quite widely before deciding what to do.
21. The most widely held view is the market will continue to power ahead.
22. 'The Last Supper' is widely regarded as Leonardo da Vinci's masterpiece.
23. The senator has been widely tipped as a future president.
24. The speech made by the president was supported widely by the public.
25. Such a diet is widely believed to offer protection against a number of cancers.
26. It is widely known that CFCs can damage the ozone layer.
27. She is widely regarded as the current leader's natural successor.
28. The gold medalist has been widely exposed to the public on television.
29. The brotherly spirit of science, which unites into one family all its votaries of whatever grade(,( however widely dispersed throughout the different quarters of the globe. 
30. The announcement was welcomed as a step in the right direction, but was widely seen as a token gesture.
More similar words: wideworldwidewidespreadnationwidedeliberatelyguidelineside by sidewidowmodeldelaydelightdeliverdelicatedeliveryrelybarelyfreelylatelysolelysafelyrely onlikelylargelycloselyentirelyroutinelyunlikelyactivelyseverelyprecisely
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