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Employer in a sentence

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Sentence count:298+19Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: employeeemployemploymentunemploymentdeploytemplecontemplatelayerMeaning: [-ɔɪə]  n. a person or firm that employs workers. 
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181. The prescribed element is, in effect, frozen for the time being and should not be paid by the employer.
182. In other words, in Winans no confidential information was specifically entrusted to the employer whereas in Newman and Materia there had.
183. Keeping a job file Your employer will have a personnel file containing a potted history of your career with the company.
184. Writing a resume of your achievements that will make a prospective employer want to meet you requires practice.
185. An on-site undercover operative can offer an employer protection without the presence of an armed guard.
186. An employer is answerable for the negligence of his employees.
187. My employer recently announced that we have to get a company credit card to use for expenses.
188. Much will depend on the ability of the employer to offer you optimum conditions for job satisfaction.
189. Depending on your contract of employment,[] your employer probably has to hold your job open for you during your treatment.
190. Your employer may consider it more cost-effective to retain junior employees who are paid less than you.
191. Aware that his conduct was forbidden by his employer, he bought shares in the companies prior to the announcement of the bid.
192. The employee is protected from coercion by the employer because of other employers for whom he can work and so on.
193. How much does it cost an employer to provide childcare facilities and what is the cheapest option?
194. This means the agency is paid by, and in effect is working for, the employer.
195. The House of Lords stated that the employer had to devise a safe system and operate it.
196. An employer has a right to give reasonable instructions to an employee and to have a job completed by the employee.
197. For example, in most work situations in our capitalist world the employer gives money in exchange for the employee's labour.
198. Miss Logan made indeterminate gestures to the priest, then set off in pursuit of her employer.
199. The employment protection legislation operates to restrict the grounds on which an employer can terminate the contract of employment with impunity.
200. After all, if the executives fail in the new location, the employer will have made a costly mistake.
201. There was no term in their contracts entitling the employer to require that the employees move.
202. One of its powers is to make recommendations requiring an employer to recognize a particular trade union as a negotiating body.
203. He was a hardworking, frugal and thrifty man who was saving to buy a small cottage from his employer.
204. The employer is only allowed to discriminate on the basis of personal merit and suitability for the job.
205. If the employer requires protection he should have the foresight to include an express covenant in the employment contract.
206. Nevertheless, it will eliminate the risk of misunderstanding if you and your employer discuss retirement specifically.
207. A finding of unlawful discrimination may be made even though the employer has no intention to discriminate.
208. Perhaps you and your co-workers can appeal to your employer for something that is more equitable.
209. Section 2f reads: Members must fulfil to the best of their ability the contractual obligations owed to their employer.
210. In neither case is there any additional disciplinary power with which the employer or customer are able to impose their will.
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