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Employer in a sentence

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Sentence count:298+19Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: employeeemployemploymentunemploymentdeploytemplecontemplatelayerMeaning: [-ɔɪə]  n. a person or firm that employs workers. 
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211. The pupil also takes to the prospective employer or the university admissions tutor the raw scores of exam results.
212. A bill to let workers carry health insurance coverage from one employer to another should be a sure bet to become law.
213. For more than a hundred years the federal government was the biggest employer in the District of Columbia.
214. When applying for a job, make sure you emphasize the interests and leisure activities that an employer would find relevant.
215. Every major employer in the area ensures that their workforces are trained to uniformly high standards.
216. Samuel Oldknow was generally regarded as a humane employer,[] but even he expected his apprentices to work for thirteen hours.
217. Experience has shown that employment potential and the needs of the employer require more than just school or college education.
218. In the latter case you would need to get a new tax code number from your employer.
219. The statute may impose a duty on an employer to provide safety equipment and ensure that it is used.
220. Pensions from your employer Many people belong to a pension scheme run by an employer.
221. Even if the reason is economic, technical or organisational the employer must still act reasonably in selecting and dismissing each employee.
222. It became the biggest local employer, with a basic work-force of about 1,500, and numerous additional contractors constantly in demand.
223. Boeing, the region's major private employer, closed its Seattle-area factories until Thursday.
224. By contrast, industrial tribunals in the exercise of the unfair dismissal jurisdiction are concerned with disputes between employee and employer.
225. It was held that the employer was entitled to summarily dismiss the employee for this unauthorized use of the password.
226. Her first known employer was Susanna Jennens. The identity of this woman is known by a remarkable coincidence.
227. The government, like any employer, would pay the employer share of their premiums into the alliances.
228. The employer had, therefore, to incur heavy development costs before any net tangible benefits would accrue from the invention.
229. Put simply, you are constructively dismissed if your employer breaks an important term of your employment contract.
230. Contributions are earnings related, paid by both employer and employees, as are the pension payments.
231. A prudent employer will always have an express contractual term protecting business secrets.
232. It may be that you do homeworking as a self-employment, freelance or consultancy option, or working for an employer.
233. In addition, the employer mentioned that Katie's enthusiasm for the job had not come across in her covering letter.
234. In frustration, she talked to a lawyer and settled out of court with her former employer.
235. Realistically, the saving in income tax has to be shared between employer and employees.
236. The cost to an employer of employing his workers includes government levies of 11.45% of wages paid.
237. The collective bargaining agreement between the educational employer and educational employees, if any, has expired. 5.
238. A dissatisfied employer would file a complaint with the high school.
239. Before the war, the most common intermediary between a potential employee and an employer was the employment agency.
240. Her employer and friend, Susan Drake, sat mending below, awaiting her husband's return.
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