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Employer in a sentence

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Sentence count:298+19Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: employeeemployemploymentunemploymentdeploytemplecontemplatelayerMeaning: [-ɔɪə]  n. a person or firm that employs workers. 
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151. Time is an equal opportunity employer. Each human being has exactly the same number of hours and minutes every day. Rich people can't buy more hours. Scientists can't invent new minutes. And you can't save time to spend it on another day. Even so, time is amazingly fair and forgiving. No matter how much time you've wasted in the past, you still have an entire tomorrow. Denis Waitley 
152. What is vital is that no employer should approach disciplinary problems with a closed mind.
153. Not every employer is able to accommodate every work / family conflict and stay in business.
154. These old bodies could cost a new employer thousands in worker comp.
155. In still other cases he was denied the request by his employer.
156. How to respond A serious breach of contract by your employer does not itself end your employment.
157. Your financial adviser will be able to explain how you apply. Voluntary contributions by your employer.
158. Dear Help Wanted: We punch a time clock and our employer has a rigid lateness policy.
159. His previous employer describes him as honest,[Sentence dictionary] hard-working and conscientious.
160. Your neglect of duty is a matter between you and your employer.
161. I fully appreciate the importance of GEC-Ferranti as an employer in Edinburgh and Lothian.
162. Dafoe plays a computer mastermind who seeks revenge on his former employer by commandeering a luxury cruise ship.
163. His new employer can get his medical history from the insurance company, and his credit history from a credit bureau.
164. Or, asking your employer if you can change your hours of work so that you can take advantage of cheap rate travel.
165. If an employer is committed to an agreed procedure or customary arrangement regarding redundancies, he should adhere to it.
166. This tells your prospective employer that you are very positive and that you know where you are going.
167. This is an extremely useful provision which requires early disclosure by the employer of the case against the employee.
168. Second, in some industries the employer may fear sabotage from disgruntled redundancy candidates.
169. Nevertheless, she couldn't imagine herself in any form of intimacy with her employer, much as she liked him.
170. Women have no spare time to devote to the employer.
171. The inspector is required to give the employer the same information as he gives to the employed person.
172. There is a huge gap in organizing the employer community in the United States.
173. The worker is defined as a free agent since she or he has the freedom to choose his or her employer.
174. By asking this question you will discover what the employer is thinking.
175. However, the evidential task becomes more difficult if the employer opts to make and refine the patented invention himself.
176. The distribution of annual leave to nurses is of great importance to the individual nurse and to the employer.
177. When Woolman displayed a gift for the field of law, his employer put him to work executing legal documents.
178. Nevertheless, there are circumstances in which an employer may be under a contractual duty to provide work.
179. Normally we check with your employer and calculate any losses.
180. All, with the possible exception of employer conflicts, apply with equal force to dropout rates from public schools.
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