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Employer in a sentence

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Sentence count:298+19Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: employeeemployemploymentunemploymentdeploytemplecontemplatelayerMeaning: [-ɔɪə]  n. a person or firm that employs workers. 
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91. Racist remarks by an employer to an employee can amount to unlawful discrimination.
92. Their situations are now reversed as employee has become employer.
93. Your former employer has to reply within 14 days in order to contest the case.
94. She accused her employer of unlawful dismissal and won/lost her case.
95. Under law, your employer has the right to hire a temporary worker to replace you.
96. The contract defines the apportionment of risks between employer and contractor.
97. The boss was teed off when an employer was late.
98. The biggest employer got to be the county prison.
99. He didn't want to be disloyal to his employer.
100. Your employer will deduct income tax from your salary.
101. You work for your employer[], the local authority.
102. How will you describe yourself to a potential employer?
103. The biggest employer is the manufacturer of La-Z-Boy recliners.
104. Jan's abilities are not fully appreciated by her employer.
105. He is acting responsibly, being faithful to his employer.
106. All incidents should be brought to the attention of your employer.
107. He has reached the top at a relatively early age and now leads the largest local industrial employer.
108. Suggested approach An employer can incur tortious liability in respect of his employees in one of three ways.
109. The costs of the health services are shared between employer and employees.
110. Elwin Silverstein, account executive with the Triad Insurance Group, enjoys the annual holiday brunch his employer hosts.
111. Employee attitudes towards a move may be made more favourable if the employer allows the relocation to take place during school holidays.
112. Therefore, if an employer feels that such protection is necessary he must include express restrictions in the contract of employment.
113. Any new in-house benefits an employer provides should be computed on a marginal cost basis.
114. In general, asking for feedback can be illuminating and useful, and shows great self-confidence and self-worth to the employer.
115. No employer would have to pay more than 7. 9 percent of payroll on health care.
116. This is similar to a negligence test, but in the statutory action the burden of proof is on the employer.
117. Because of the isolation nearly all the off-farm employment was rural, with the Forestry Commission being the major employer.
118. Arrangements were made to obtain contributions from employers of casual labour who might have more than one employer in any week.
119. She was trapped with a sexist employer who exploited a sexist legal system.
120. The employer can not recover the secondary class 1 nor indeed the primary class 1 contributions from the employee.
More similar words: employeeemployemploymentunemploymentdeploytemplecontemplatelayerbuyerplayerloyaltaxpayerplotempireaplombpreemptemphasisexploitexploreexplodeemphasizediplomatexplosionexempt fromcomplyimplydiplomaticcontretempssimplysample
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