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Employer in a sentence

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Sentence count:298+19Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: employeeemployemploymentunemploymentdeploytemplecontemplatelayerMeaning: [-ɔɪə]  n. a person or firm that employs workers. 
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121. The restrictive covenant in a sale agreement protects goodwill whereas restrictive covenants given by employees protect the employer and employee relationship.
122. The parts makers must therefore take some pleasure in Mr Lopez's increasingly bitter dispute with his former employer.
123. All persons engaged in public administration serve in a special legal relationship whereby the public law institution is the employer.
124. She applied to her employer for a redundancy payment, but she was refused.
125. They will help members arrange to have a grievance against an employer mediated.
126. In fact, his list of credits is so extensive,[] it is understandable that an employer might overlook one glaring omission.
127. For example, in one case, an employer refused to hire a visually impaired applicant for the position of research analyst.
128. An employer is entitled to dismiss an employee for misconduct.
129. The nanny could be attracted by the extra pay, and her employer could like having you share the child-care expenses.
130. What then is the cost to the employer of providing the in-house benefit for the employee?
131. To protect yourself, experts recommend you ask a prospective employer for a contract.
132. But what alternative is there if you are unknown to a potential employer?
133. The Boeing Co., the region's largest employer, closed its factories and dismissed workers early.
134. In the standard form the contractor must pay to or allow the employer the liquidated damages.
135. Being accused of theft was just one of the indignities I suffered under my last employer.
136. If the employer offers assistance towards housing costs, worries about living in a more expensive environment may be allayed.
137. At one point in 1993, Employee Staffing was the largest employer in Rhode Island.
138. Customer satisfaction, as measured by parent and employer surveys, has improved.
139. When your annual review is due, summarize all your achievements for the period and present them to your employer.
140. Wasserstein and Perella, in 1987, generated $ 3 85 million in fees for their employer, First Boston.
141. For example, an employer is not in breach of contract for sacking some one because of his or her age.
142. Such a formula simply cannot work for employer or employee.
143. For example, the employer may be shown to have an increased order book after the invention has been patented.
144. More importantly, will the employer adequately fulfil his obligation to complete the educational process by producing sound technicians and businessmen?
145. She'd had no idea that her new employer was waiting!
146. The employer may be happy to find another applicant who wants the other half.
147. You will need a self certification note for your employer available from your doctor's surgery.
148. On the lower end of the job market, the most popular employer, certainly for girls, was Lyons.
149. Medical opinions Neither you nor your employer is likely to be a medical expert.
150. The answers to these questions will have important consequences for anyone who is about to choose a career or a potential employer.
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