Synonym: systematically. Similar words: consistent, consist, consist of, consist in, consequently, inadvertently, listen to, insist. Meaning: [-təntlɪ]
adv. in a systematic or consistent manner.
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61) The study found that the garlic extract consistently lowered total blood cholesterol by 5 percent to 8 percent.
62) However, as feminists have consistently argued, potentially housework could be organised in a different way.
63) Studies consistently demonstrate that its harmful effects are far less than those of alcohol or tobacco.
64) A problem in researching child abuse is that social workers, in particular, are consistently subjected to complaints about their work.
65) Given the same input, the expert system consistently reaches the intended conclusion.
66) These found, in the main, that Blacks had a consistently more hostile attitude to the police.
67) And so demanding was Doctor Who that both Barry and I were working sixty- and seventy-hour weeks in those days, consistently.
68) If we keep advocating our positions honestly, consistently, persuasively, we ultimately have a great effect.
69) If its artists were consistently fresh and challenging,( it would justify its existence easily.
70) They'd heard her a little at rehearsal, but not properly, not consistently, and not without interruption and background noise.
71) Poor health and disability are both consistently associated with early exit from the labour market.
72) Finally we would like to thank all our neighbours who have consistently supported us in our bid to settle permanently in Passfield.
73) Beaverbrook had some genuine concern, and was less consistently anti-Baldwin.
74) International media outlets consistently bashed the organization, transportation and infrastructure problems of these Games.
75) Researchers have argued consistently that a coherent approach is needed to finding the type of intervention which works best for which children.
76) Unit costs in metropolitan authorities have been consistently higher than in the shire counties.
77) The great majority of national daily and weekly newspapers have strongly and consistently advocated the reform.
78) No other competitor in any sport has been as consistently good or as unfailingly good natured.
79) Small volume issues can be handled successfully - as the distributors of the smaller labels demonstrate consistently.
80) The survey has produced the first national estimate of below tolerable standard houses derived from consistently applied methods.
81) Only 6 percent could consistently solve relatively complex problems involving geometric relationships, algebra, or functions.
82) Naturally, if a small aircraft is overbooked consistently, it might rate early loading.
83) In addition, mast cells in normal colon, adenoma, or carcinoma samples consistently showed strong positive staining for cytochrome P450 3A.
84) The second most important medium is commercial television, which has consistently maintained about 25% of the total. 7.
85) A company that consistently recruits from outside induces its staff to move elsewhere - this is expensive in terms of lost experience.
86) Officials say they have been frustrated to find that telecommunications companies have not consistently built wiretap capabilities into their new technologies.
87) Clinton consistently supported women's right to abortion at a time when Bush adopted an anti-abortion stance.
88) Sometimes, to exercise this quality consistently an unconscious hand may have to be taken in creating a crisis!
89) He voted against abortion consistently all through his congressional career.
90) He has adhered to that policy consistently for several years.
More similar words: consistent, consist, consist of, consist in, consequently, inadvertently, listen to, insist, gently, listen, recently, currently, apparently, frequently, diligently, listener, consider, considerable, considerably, consideration, consent, be considered as, a bone of contention, instantly, importantly, significantly, tension, persist, resist, assist.