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Theological in a sentence

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Sentence count:179+2 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-22Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: ideologicalecologicalbiologicalpsychologicaltechnologicallogicaltheologygeologyMeaning: [θɪəˈlɒdʒɪk(ə)l]  adj. of or relating to or concerning theology. 
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1. The sixties were a time of theological ferment.
2. Priests are trained at theological colleges.
3. He was the ultimate arbiter on both theological and political matters.
4. Requests for funding theological reflection need to be stimulated.
5. But religion does not reside in theological abstracts.
6. Theological difficulties were emerging as well.
7. It was almost a theological hall of fame.
8. The remainder train for three years at theological college.
9. It was a devotional rather than a theological work.
10. Theological or procedural matters too deep for such as Lucy and themselves.
11. The most systematic theological reflection on these problems was offered in this period by Ernst Troeltsch.
12. The theological implications of such a recognition were profound(, and required far more than a change in regulations.
13. It reveals as mythical much of the past theological rationale for disunity.
14. The theological certainties he found in others intrigued, but never convinced Eyre.
15. Even the rather unwieldy theological statement quoted by Ayer could be interpreted in this way.
16. Short of the beatific vision, to what can theological exploration point?
17. Her professors at the Washington Theological Union said she was progressing rapidly, and had a firm understanding of the liturgy.
18. I had been four years at an evangelical theological college but no one had ever put it like that to me.
19. Theological answers, even though correct, can be unhelpful to both of these types, though in different ways.
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20. Nestorius himself had studied at the theological school of Antioch, where his mentor was a man known as Theodore of Mopsuestia.
21. In so doing he triggered a theological storm that led to his resignation.
22. His separation of science and religion was more accurately a differentiation in which theological arguments played a prominent role.
23. Disquiet that the apology was a beautiful gesture but a theological mistake bubbled to the surface last week.
24. But it does mean that the particular conceptions of science held by its pioneers were often informed by theological and metaphysical beliefs.
25. We need to set the standards now, and prepare for the theological and sociological turbulence this discovery portends.
26. He seems to have little sense of the broader issues involved, political or theological.
27. The seminar is open to people involved in mass communication and theological training from around the world.
28. Several influences combined in this period to help him in the search for an alternative theological approach.
29. Regional variations - Gallican or otherwise - were disapproved, whether liturgical, theological or pastoral.
30. His argument may have turned out indecisively, but Halley evidently believed that scientific data were relevant to theological questions.
More similar words: ideologicalecologicalbiologicalpsychologicaltechnologicallogicaltheologygeologyideologyapologizepsychologisttheoreticalapologybiologypsychologytechnologyethicalmusicalradicaltypicalmedicalbasicallycriticalchemicalclinicalverticaltropicaltypicallypoliticalironically
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