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Geology in a sentence

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Sentence count:171+5 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-08-16Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: theologyideologybiologyapologytheologicalideologicaltechnologypsychologyMeaning: [dʒɪ'ɑlədʒɪ /-'ɒl-]  n. a science that deals with the history of the earth as recorded in rocks. 
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1. He was visiting professor of geology at the University of Jordan.
2. We went on a geology field trip.
3. The geology of north Devon is particularly interesting.
4. Concentrators in geological sciences elect either geology or geography.
5. The book is a useful introduction to British geology.
6. It is a problem that relates to geology.
7. He majors in geology.
8. In his lecture on geology, he touched on the subject of climate.
9. The students went to study the geology of that region.
10. Technical reports on the engineering geology have been prepared.
11. Unity in his mind of architecture, music, astronomy, geology.
12. We certainly have enough time in geology.
13. Hoffman possesses an encyclopedic knowledge of Precambrian continental geology.
14. In the first two years of study the Geology and Geography courses offered to single honours students are compulsory.
15. Most students who enroll in geology courses do not intend to become geologists.
16. Sussex geology has imposed an extensive regional pattern on the agricultural crops.
17. How, then(, do we explore the geology of our twin sister planet?
18. It is general that, in geology at least, women use their own names professionally.
19. Between 1910 and 1913 he lectured on economic geology at Cambridge.
20. Geomorphology has now achieved full stature as a branch of geology.
21. He made his own cameras and lenses, including a panoramic camera, and promoted the use of photography in geology.
22. But catastrophe produces spectacle; this is the hard lesson imparted by California history and geology.
23. An officer must know some chemistry and biology, and the local geology and geography.
24. This information can be practical,[ ] and is often gained from studying maps or books on geology.
25. Already in the background there were the significant achievements of the newly developed science of geology.
26. But generally speaking, the availability of landfill space is more a matter of politics than geology.
27. Thus the vast age of the Earth became the central tenet of geology.
28. For with the emergence of the new science of geology, the old faith was beginning to unravel.
29. This proportion is lower than that in chemistry, and reflects a slightly larger spread of values about the mode in geology.
30. Throughout the project, Close collaboration was maintained with experts in geology, geomorphology, and historical geography.
More similar words: theologyideologybiologyapologytheologicalideologicaltechnologypsychologyapologizeecologicalbiologicalpsychologisttechnologicalpsychologicalsurgeonat the age ofin charge ofcourageouslogtake advantage ofcolorColor.logicalcatalogcolonydialogueprolongno longercolorfulso long as
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