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Postponement in a sentence

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Sentence count:47+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-12-04Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: postponecommencementunemploymentelementmovementincrementamusementbasementMeaning: [‚pəʊst'pəʊnmənt /‚pəʊsp-]  n. 1. time during which some action is awaited 2. act of putting off to a future time. 
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1. They are calling for a further postponement of the election date.
2. Riots led to the postponement of local elections.
3. Rain caused the postponement of several race - meetings.
4. Pressure built yesterday for postponement of the ceremony.
5. The postponement was due to a dispute over where the talks should be held.
6. He compounded with his creditors for a postponement of payment.
7. The postponement of the film's sequel has held cinema-goers in eager anticipation for several months.
8. We were disappointed by yet another postponement of our trip.
9. The postponement of difficult decisions left the government dangerously exposed to American influence.
10. The death of one of the candidates forced postponement of the voting until 1 June.
11. All he need fear is a general postponement of Britain's economic recovery.
12. The postponement of his much touted hospital expansion plan had been the last straw.
13. Postponement, says Kohl, is unacceptable, but so is relaxing the rules of entry.
14. The vacuum created by the postponement of the presidential elections led to a revival of campaigns for a revitalized democracy.
15. It would only have needed one postponement at the school's shale pitch to have wrecked Errol's big opportunity!
16. Hakkar's defence counsel requested a postponement, which was refused, and was unable to attend the hearing.
17. The postponement of the conference was cited as a reason for the extension of the transition period.
18. Gill granted the postponement,[] then everybody rushed off to find out what the South Side was up to.
19. All that the judge may order is a postponement until the risk to the administration of justice has passed.
20. Accordingly, postponement of retirement would be rewarded by an increased pension.
21. Agreement on philosophical issues does not risk endless postponement, as does agreement in the special sciences.
22. Other circumstances that entail a postponement of the hearing.
23. Check our Cancellation and Postponement pages for full details.
23. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
24. All 100 senators agree to a postponement.
25. Opponents say the government feared heavy defeat; the postponement prompted riots.
26. The reasons that result in drawback postponement, big arrearages are apparently lack of fiscal budget funds, but they are actually arisen by the shortcomings of export drawback system.
27. Briefly explain the term " postponement " also known as " flexible fulfillment ".
28. No party in the Federal Assembly put a candidate forward, forcing postponement of the voting until Sept. 24.
29. My rejection of death was less a denial than a postponement of the recognition of its ultimate reality.
30. These bonuses mainly included the enterprise formerly the fiscal year not pension which and the postponement of payment bonus paid to the high tube.
More similar words: postponecommencementunemploymentelementmovementincrementamusementbasementelementsplacementstatementimplementabasementagreementamazementexcitementmanagementenforcementsettlementelementaryretirementengagementincrementaleffacementrequirementachievementchastisementimprovementinvolvementreplacement
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