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Basement in a sentence

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Sentence count:250+3 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: cellarSimilar words: chastisementadvertisementcommencementelementmovementimplementplacementstatementMeaning: ['beɪsmənt]  n. 1. the lowermost portion of a structure partly or wholly below ground level; often used for storage 2. the ground floor facade or interior in Renaissance architecture. 
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(1) He stationed me in the basement.
(2) It is damp in the basement.
(3) The basement has been made into a workshop.
(4) He was chambered in a narrow basement.
(5) The pump sucked water from the basement.
(6) Several candles lightened the darkness of the basement.
(7) In the basement there's no room to stash.
(8) The bike stood in the basement all winter.
(9) The basement has been made over into a playroom.
(10) Heavy music thundered from the basement.
(11) The canteen is down in the basement.
(12) Grandad retreated to his lair in the basement.
(13) They transformed the basement into a reading room.
(14) Our kitchenware department is in the basement.
(15) The basement hallway is painted a warm yellow.
(16) The fire broke out in the basement.
(17) Kitchen goods are sold in the basement.
(18) The thieves escaped undetected through a basement window.
(19) The basement has been made over into a workshop.
(20) Sure remember not to go into the basement.
(21) It is rather damp in the basement.
(22) Once the police had cornered her in the basement[], she gave herself up.
(23) Through the basement window I saw him strap on his pink cycling helmet.
(24) In the basement fifteen employees are busy making bespoke coats.
(25) They goaded him into entering the pitch dark basement by saying he was a coward.
(26) The van was fuelled and waiting in the basement car park.
(27) "Tom, your friend is coming to see you,"Jenny called up from the basement.
(28) There is some evidence of dampness or condensation in the basement.
(29) After the bank robbery they lay up in a basement for 2 weeks.
(30) My office is a cubby - hole in the basement.
More similar words: chastisementadvertisementcommencementelementmovementimplementplacementstatementengagementmanagementenforcementexcitementretirementelementarysettlementmeasurementinvolvementarrangementreplacementrequirementannouncementfinite elementimplementationbasebased ondatabaseexcuse meamendmententertainmentsentiment
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