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Pious in a sentence

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Sentence count:115+4Posted:2016-11-09Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: believingdevoutfaithfulreligiousreverentAntonym: impiousSimilar words: anxiousnoxiousenviousobviousdubiouscuriousvariouspreciousMeaning: ['paɪəs]  adj. 1. having or showing or expressing reverence for a deity 2. devoutly religious. 
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91. Jack's parents believe in Sikhism, and Jack is a pious follower.
92. He was, indeed , a lad of remarkable disposition: sober, discreet, and pious beyond his age.
93. In spite of her small vanities ,( Margaret had a sweet and pious nature.
94. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar and Muslims are required to spend it in pious fasting and introspection.
95. Milton ultimately is a pious man and wants us to frown on Satan's critique of the Judeo-Christian conception of divinity.
96. That might sound like an irritatingly abstract or pious plea.
97. The Grand Mufti , Shaikh Ahmed bin Hamad Al Khalili exhorted Muslims to be pious and obey Allah the Almighty.
98. The pious Sweater would attribute it to idleness or incapacity.
99. The figure did not cross its hands in the pious attitude of the other graven dignitaries, but its arms were folded as in defiance and their angle made a snug resting-place for the little bird.
100. He teaches the Bible in theological schools and is a pious Christian.
101. Being a very pious churchgoer, she visits church, rain and voluntarily takes part in every ceremony.
102. He was dining with - of all things - a pious virgin.
103. Danny is the son of Reb Saunders, the pious and revered head of a great Hasidic dynasty.
104. As a teenager, Osama bin Laden was so pious that other kids didn't swear or tell off-color jokes when he was around.
105. There is this very pious Jew named Goldberg who always dreamed of winning the lottery.
106. These English colonists were a pious, self - disciplined people who wanted to escape religious persecution.
107. The Puritans , a sizable percentage of earliest settlers in Massachusetts, were pious, self - disciplined.
108. What is eisegesis is just some modern pious person picking up the Bible and seeing anything they want to see in it.
109. Offerings in hand, a pious woman goes to an earth god temple to worship.
110. She was an old, garrulous a pawnbroker's widow , who collected used stamps for some pious purpose.
111. Joe's grandfather is a fanatical racialist, his adoptive father is a tyrant as well as a pretended pious puritan, Bon's father is a selfish and merciless killer.
112. When Bharata left that place, both trees dried up and died. The two souls living in those trees took their next births as daughters of a pious brahmana.
113. Watson was a pious, sensible young man, of great integrity.
114. In Jewish legend, the ushpizzin are guests who visit pious at Sukkot, the Feast of Tabernacles.
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