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Imperious in a sentence

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Sentence count:37+3 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-08-22Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: arrogantcompellingcriticalcrucialdomineeringhaughtyimperativenecessaryoverbearingpressingurgentSimilar words: mysteriousimperialvariouscuriouslaboriouslyperiodinterioranxiousMeaning: [ɪm'pɪrɪəs /-'pɪər-]  adj. able to deal authoritatively with affairs. 
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1. Her attitude is imperious at times.
2. The old nun was as imperious as ever , but visibly thawed when she saw the children.
3. She raised her hand in an imperious gesture.
4. The professor was as imperious as ever.
5. All his imperious orders were obeyed.
5. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
6. She put out an imperious hand to stop him.
7. A person , who is imperious and tries to gloss over his fault, is bound to suffer in the end.
8. She sent them away with an imperious wave of the hand.
9. His manner was abrupt and imperious.
10. The Times, in its imperious fashion, made a habit of sneering at Falls stunters.
11. His imperious father tells Alex he wishes it were him in the coffin.
12. The magistrate Swallow, imperious, yet insightful in the resounding portrayal of bass Louis Lebherz, presses the case for them.
13. All the same, he appeared a pretty imperious figure on casual encounter.
14. There is, however, no earthly explanation for his imperious contributions on the rugby field.
15. I am stopped mid-anecdote by an imperious tap on my shoulder.
16. It was not just the fact that this imperious man was doing this for her.
17. But Ellington, a duke with an imperious streak, never wanted Strayhorn to stray far from his empire.
18. Andrew enjoyed her company and respected her imperious resilience to the classic effects of drinking.
19. Imperious, fractious ladies who minced along, holding up their saris.
20. Imperious, you mount a nag of thirty hands and trample me into the ground.
21. First up, Treleaven then hit an imperious five-iron pin-high to set out his stall.
22. He seem bored now; and he blinked at Mitchell with imperious indifference.
23. He chose a site for an aviary and gave very exact and imperious directions as to the materials and measurements.
24. He merely signed his name at the bottom of the sheet, firm, black and imperious.
25. There is plenty of lore and legend from Whitehall and Westminster to buttress the case for an imperious premiership.
26. Even his friends concede that Pillsbury can be difficult, being something of a diva, hot-tempered and imperious.
27. And she had all morning and part of the afternoon to decide whether or not to accept this imperious invitation.
28. The typical judge loves the rewards of office and tends to be imperious in asserting and defending them.
29. Today, the National Park Service offers boat tours along the canals, narrow quiet canyons between imperious five-story brick buildings.
30. Verdict: Basically an S-class coupe, the Mercedes CL remains one of the most imperious ways of getting about. Superb ride and decent handling make it a proper old-school GT.
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