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Pious in a sentence

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Sentence count:115+4Posted:2016-11-09Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: believingdevoutfaithfulreligiousreverentAntonym: impiousSimilar words: anxiousnoxiousenviousobviousdubiouscuriousvariouspreciousMeaning: ['paɪəs]  adj. 1. having or showing or expressing reverence for a deity 2. devoutly religious. 
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61. The pious ejaculations of Father Clay irritated him.
62. Is emptied of this folk, this pious morn?
63. He's a pious adherent of Buddhism.
64. 'Ah, well,' said he,'but I had - remarkable pious.
65. All three are pious, religiously committed women.
66. Her mother was a pious Christian.
67. People pray at a mosque in Dubai. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar and Muslims are required to spend it in pious fasting and introspection.
68. Jehovah also needs to work. He has to work from Monday to Saturday, creating all creatures and human being like a pious plasterer .
69. Mrs. Prodie is an excellent lady, kind - hearted, charitable, pious.
70. To Gaskell, her "dear friend" Charlotte was the heroine, with the rest of the family – eccentric Patrick, masochistic Branwell, pious Anne and violently mystical Emily – left in her shadow.
71. In the Book of Daniel, we can see from the Prophet Daniel's prayers that he is a pious man who knows God well.
72. After being released from prison, he joined their church and became a pious and faithful brother. He also started a small business as a roofer and donated all his income to the church.
73. " Yes, to another world, " replied the minister with pious resignation.
74. Sashi and Sarat were two cousins who came from a pious brahmin family of Calcutta.
75. Even our local produce seller, a deeply pious man with a gentle wife who wears a chador (an open cloak that covers the head and body), could not contain his fury at Ahmadinejad.
76. You also have these people that come to be called the Hasidim, it's on your hand out, that's from a Hebrew word meaning the holy ones or pious ones or something like that.
77. Pious Muslims may also offer up a kidney to anyone who needs it.
78. Congress had done no more than set out some pious hopes.
79. Hawthorne is a pious Christian, and is deeply influenced by the theology.
80. One could take it in a pious or even superstitious way and simply believe it unquestioningly.
81. Prophet promoted female circumcision, which keeps women pious. Female circumcision removes the very sensitive part of the sex organ,( eliminating their sexual pleasure.
82. A tale was made up about the pious Lady Godiva in order to attract pilgrims, and therefore, revenue, to Coventry.
83. Their pious religious belief enriches the dance with religious colors.
84. His scraggly beard, prayer callous on his forehead and thick glasses make him look more like an unpleasant and pious schoolmaster than a terrorist mastermind.
85. Born at Aosta in Burgundy, Anselm was a pious child and sought admission to the monastic life at the early age of 15.
86. She was then a very pious , sober, and religious woman.
87. My one sufficient object was to greet that pious friend of mine, the Apostle Eliot, and rejoice with him over the many precious souls he hath won from heathendom!
88. Short is life. There is only one fruit of this terrene life, a pious disposition and social acts.
89. The invisible powers of heaven seemed to militate on the side of the pious emperor.
90. Doistoryevsky felt this incriminatory consciousness because of the strong conflict between his nature to pursue freedom and his pious religious beliefs.
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