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Minimize in a sentence

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Sentence count:242+3Posted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: maximizeSimilar words: minimalminimumdiminishtimingeliminatediminutivepreliminaryministryMeaning: ['mɪnɪmaɪz]  v. 1. make small or insignificant 2. represent as less significant or important 3. cause to seem less serious; play down. 
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181. All roads paved and grounds planted in grass, or otherwise landscaped, to minimize dust formation.
182. The Ramsey rule stipulates that to minimize excess burden, tax rates should be set so that the proportional reduction in the quantity demanded of each good is the same.
183. At present most methods employ digital computations and certain correction techniques that minimize instrumental errors.
184. In the rescheduling on a single machine, a set of original jobs has already been scheduled to minimize some cost objective, when a new set of jobs arrives and creates a disruption.
185. On the basis of the relation between truncation and rounding errors of difference approximation, the interval formula which can minimize the total error is founded.
186. Through the coordination of the operation and the supply of passenger's dynamics information, it will minimize passengers integrated transfer time, and improve the quality of public traffic service.
187. Adding new stories and strengthening old buildings is a new industry. The light gauge steel structure can efficiently minimize the influence of story adding loads and has many obvious advantages.
188. A problem with multiple solutions has more than one point in its feasible region that either maximize or minimize a problem.
189. If the piano tuner could take reservations well in advance they could probably set up their schedule to minimize travel time.
190. In addition, the proposed synthetical measures may be referable to other large hydraulic turbine units to minimize the vibration and crack.
191. Much of corporate law can be viewed as allocation of risks between shareholders and managers in an attempt to minimize the effects of these conflicts and to maximize the corporation's overall success.
192. At the wing tip, the STOL CH 801 design utilizes 'Hoerner' tips to maximize the wing's effective lift area and to minimize wing tips vortices.
193. For a parallel batch process,( a scheduling model based on due dates was built to minimize the total earliness .
194. It's a fair assumption that an application that uses the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is probably already aware of this limitation, since such a server would want to minimize packet loss.
195. A simplified mathematic model of the melting zone for extruder screw was established and solved by the complex method to minimize the specific energy consumption.
196. Despite these challenges, we aimed to be responsive to the client, to minimize the risks to the project, and ultimately be successful.
197. To minimize my impact on the tree, I anchored each of my four crossbeams with a single 3/4-inch lag screw.
198. The tactical planning has the task to implement the maintenance strategy and minimize maintenance costs.
199. Instead of buckets and timer cascading, hrtimers maintain a time-ordered data structure of timers (timers are inserted in time order to minimize processing at activation time).
200. Special techniques must be used to minimize interferences such as offset cur rents, leakage currents, electrostatic interference, triboelectric currents, and electrochemical currents.
201. In order to minimize interconnecting wire, tactile sensing array is made up of a sheet of piezoresistive rubber and common column and row stripe electrodes.
202. Though medicine such as amantadine, rimantadine and ribavirin can inhibit the influenza virus, the side effects of these drugs minimize their clinical uses.
203. R2 and R4 are chosen to minimize errors due to input offset current as outlined in the section describing the photocell amplifier.
204. LABYRINTH WEAR RINGS - Minimize recirculation losses of cryogenic liquids.
205. In this paper, interval numbers symbolize uncertain process times and the optimum objective is to minimize the weighted sum of penalty possibility for jobs due to earliness or tardiness.
206. There are measures that all cabinet, millwork and specialty wood products companies can take to help minimize the impact these events have on them.
207. Then for the parallel machine problem to minimize the sum of completion times, we show that an optimal schedule can be obtained by sequencing jobs in non-decreasing order of basic processing times.
208. Precise preform loading system in order to minimize failure rate.
209. Mature technology is adopted for the objective to maximize energy utilization and minimize hazardousness to environment.
210. The optimization objective is to minimize the thin plate energy of error surface.
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