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Minimize in a sentence

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Sentence count:242+3Posted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: maximizeSimilar words: minimalminimumdiminishtimingeliminatediminutivepreliminaryministryMeaning: ['mɪnɪmaɪz]  v. 1. make small or insignificant 2. represent as less significant or important 3. cause to seem less serious; play down. 
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211. This paper first presents a branch-and-bound algorithm to minimize a finite sum of stair-case functions under linear constraints.
212. Maintain the integrity of the house to minimize heating and cooling costs.
213. Contains bio-gold, grape polyphenol, cholestane, herbal DNA, etc. It can minimize the fine lines , help lighten black eye and eye pouch, tighten the skin around eyes.
214. In this paper, reversed order algorithm according to the minimum of job with weighted lateness and difference function algorithm are given to minimize the maximum of job with weighted lateness.
215. Separate the table spaces from their associated indexes into different pools in order to minimize index I/O.
216. Minimize the amount of water your toilet uses with each flush by putting a plastic bottle (a large pop bottle will do fine) filled with sand or gravel in the toilet tank.
217. It explains the impact of reset time issues on the maximum operating frequency of the PFD. Excellent agreement among theory and simulations to minimize the reset time in the PFD is observed.
218. Based on the optimization idea to minimize the maximum value of residual vibration energy over the entire range of parameter variation, a robust time-delayed filter was designed.
219. The alias code set name support helps minimize code-set name compliance problems and enhance quality on the code set conversion.
220. Proper unloader setting allows a small amount of continuous bypass (approximately 5% of total flow) to minimize the pressure spike and compensate for nozzle wear.
221. The probabilities of first-event errors with different lengths are evaluated, and based on these probabilities a new criterion is proposed to minimize the upper bound of frame error ratio (FER).
222. Because these vehicles can be operated remotely, they help minimize the threat to the warfighter in high-risk areas.
223. Each procedure has a strictly regulated, by the person responsible, the guarantee will minimize the probability of error, to provide satisfactory services.
223. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
224. Just go to a bank now and buy forward to 500000france. To minimize the risk.
225. Because there is no support for a minimize button with this style, I had to do it on my own.
226. In order to reduce delay and minimize the cost of delay, takes sigle airport ground-holding models and sigle airport and air corridor ground-holding models in terminal area and airway area.
227. But Kaashoek and Zeldovich have been working to minimize the number of operating-system subroutines that require that privileged access.
228. Best-fit curves, which can minimize the maximum deviation, should be used to evaluate the independent conformity of instruments and transducers.
229. How to minimize the total expected life cycle cost satisfying the reliability requirement is a main concern of ship designers.
230. Gear transmission uses circulating lubrication oil supply system to minimize noise and extend service life of gear and improve the precision of chromatic printing.
231. Registry Reviver is an advanced registry cleaner that cleans, repairs and optimizes your PC to minimize seizures and crashes.
232. Also we could overwhelmingly minimize undesired mechanical shock and impact during tool-transferring process.
233. It is suggested that the length of radial lead-out connections on two ends of the vacuum interrupter should be reduced as far as possible to minimize the influence of external ...
234. But I will qualify my agreement by suggesting policy adjustments to minimize the adverse effects of allowing more drilling or of imposing an excess profits tax.
235. So in the examples we have discussed, we have been trying to find configurations which minimize the maximum communication distance of any member of a set.
236. You, as a developer, can benefit from these lessons to increase your code modularity and application reusability, plus minimize code redundancy.
237. The following general questionnaire helps in identifying the test area to use operating system virtualization technologies to minimize system and human resources.
238. D . Grout shall be non - shrink type epoxy or latex Portland cement to minimize staining.
239. Conducted spectrum of switched power sources, a typical interference source, is analyzed in this paper, and the design techniques have been introduced to minimize conducted interference.
240. The shield return should be as short as possible to minimize inductance.
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