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Minimize in a sentence

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Sentence count:242+3Posted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: maximizeSimilar words: minimalminimumdiminishtimingeliminatediminutivepreliminaryministryMeaning: ['mɪnɪmaɪz]  v. 1. make small or insignificant 2. represent as less significant or important 3. cause to seem less serious; play down. 
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61. White House officials sought to minimize the importance of the meeting.
62. Subsequently, family friends and biographers have tried to minimize the effect.
63. The effect of increasing affluence is to minimize the importance of economic goals.
64. The organization that compulsively seeks to minimize the costs of its actions is for ever at odds with the reality of its performance.
65. Systematic evaluation and forecasting can minimize risks but never eliminate them.
66. Plan to avoid or minimize your exposure to guilt-provoking situations.
67. At times I tried to minimize the impact of the move.
68. Here were depths that Gordon could not easily contend with, and he was much too honest to minimize them.
69. Where possible, information on an issue was collected from several different respondents to minimize the risk of bias.
70. Processing is then designed to minimize wastage and maximize data collection.
71. The electrodes were made from platinum-blacked platinum gauze to minimize electrode polarization at low frequencies.
72. If I hit a bad shot, I try to minimize its effect.
73. In order to minimize cost and keep things simple,( the signal levels are non-standard.
74. Once the testing laboratory receives the samples, it will screen them for drugs and then perform confirmation testing to minimize errors.
75. But they minimize the difference in so far as they propound a thoroughgoing assimilation of male and female desires.
76. To assess whether patients are at risk for any reason and to minimize any risk to them. 4.
77. In the endeavour to minimize the contributions work environments make to avoidable fatalities, state officials also play a significant part.
78. This use of data at two levels of analysis seeks to minimize the problem of ecological fallacy.
79. But the steady emotional erosion, the sleeplessness, the manic anxiety I can not pretend about or minimize.
80. The Ballot itself was carefully constructed to maximize support for the League, and minimize areas of disagreement.
81. When a well-intentioned program yields unwelcome results, for example, a truth-aversive organization will seek to minimize or disguise these consquences.
82. She was buxom, and the rust-red pullover she wore was not designed to minimize the fact.
83. So you should try to minimize restrictions about diet and environment as much as possible.
84. Farmers may even switch their pattern of production in order to minimize the risks - from arable to intensive livestock farming, for example.
85. In each case the pipette should be gently inserted and withdrawn from the fluid in order to minimize disturbance.
86. He did his best to dodge trouble and minimize the number of people who considered him an enemy.
87. They may also be designed to minimize the pressure to disclose government documents.
88. And try to minimize contact, she suggests. Write memos instead of dropping into his office.
89. Protective gloves and a safety helmet are worn to minimize injury.
90. In fact, our focus became just trying to make sure the kid understands all of this, to minimize the damage.
More similar words: minimalminimumdiminishtimingeliminatediminutivepreliminaryministryfeministministerexaminingdiscriminationadministeradministratoradministrativeadministrationsimilarprizesize upto the limitsimilarlylimitationoptimisticsimilaritycitizenrealizeutilizeemphasizeorganizeapologize
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