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Minimize in a sentence

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Sentence count:242+3Posted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: maximizeSimilar words: minimalminimumdiminishtimingeliminatediminutivepreliminaryministryMeaning: ['mɪnɪmaɪz]  v. 1. make small or insignificant 2. represent as less significant or important 3. cause to seem less serious; play down. 
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91. And in the process we can help minimize the effect of compound loss in an elderly person's life.
92. Pipes are outside the buildings to minimize damage in case of an earthquake.
93. Lawyers draw up contracts, minimize taxation, advise on business deals and liaise between banks, commercial and industrial enterprises.
94. The overriding goal of state policy was to keep the elderly as independent as possible, so as to minimize costs.
95. It aims to minimize its impact and subsequently treat and cure it.
96. No criticism attaches to the effort of the modern corporation to minimize risk.
97. It tormented him to think that something might happen in his absence, and he made every effort to minimize the risks.
98. To my mind, the most serious challenge is to minimize the cost of establishing the smallest possible profit-making power system.
99. The amount of caffeine should be reduced gradually, over a period of two to three weeks, to minimize withdrawal reactions.
100. In contrast, Piaroa minimize gender differences and maintain the same normative code of non-violent behaviour for both males and females.
101. One obvious way to minimize this problem is to reduce the number of different data formats.
102. They point to long-term costs that even a thriving enterprise would be hard pressed to minimize or absorb.
103. Discipline yourself to minimize opinion,(Sentencedict) disregard hearsay and reject guesswork.
104. The scientist works under contingencies that minimize immediate personal reinforcers.
105. Let us consider possible distortions and ways in which we can minimize their effect.
106. By contrast, a recreational paddler in a remote gorge will want to maximize safety and minimize energy expenditure.
107. Greenpeace has called on the government to minimize the risk by banning all ozone-damaging chemicals with immediate effect.
108. They provide food products at lower cost than conventional supermarkets; they minimize operating costs and customer services.
109. He did not sympathize with those who claimed they needed a bishop simply to minimize inconvenience to ministerial candidates.
110. If her goal was to minimize her involvement with a defunct thrift, she has failed.
111. Peers working together minimize the pain of some schoolwork, while promoting learning and cooperation for both.
112. A thicker-skinned child would be affected by such behavior but be able to minimize the effects.
113. Risk is best allocated to the party who is best placed to minimize its effects.
114. Minimize Television Watching - This is a hard sell.
115. Using the mouse,( click the Minimize button.
116. How to minimize work in process?
117. Some coding techniques minimize the memory-allocation problems.
118. If the local mail replica model is the most appropriate for your environment, this article should minimize the issues, effort, and administrative process of implementing it.
119. In this thesis, the objective function is to minimize the active power loss. The node voltage of system and reactive power of generator, which are step beyond the boundary, as punished functions.
120. To minimize the frequency and phase distortion in a DTV transmitter in order to achieve best VSB frequency performance, a pre equalizer can be inserted into the modulator.
More similar words: minimalminimumdiminishtimingeliminatediminutivepreliminaryministryfeministministerexaminingdiscriminationadministeradministratoradministrativeadministrationsimilarprizesize upto the limitsimilarlylimitationoptimisticsimilaritycitizenrealizeutilizeemphasizeorganizeapologize
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