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Existentialism in a sentence

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Sentence count:56Posted:2017-01-30Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: nonexistentexistencepotentiallisten topotentiallyessentialitydistentionconfidentialityMeaning: [‚'egzɪ'stenʃəlɪzm]  n. (philosophy) a 20th-century philosophical movement chiefly in Europe; assumes that people are entirely free and thus responsible for what they make of themselves. 
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1. Existentialism was really an umbrella term to lump together the works of several philosophers and writers.
2. A little epistemology and some existentialism.
3. Existentialism is an important element in post-war thought.
4. Objectivism thus turns existentialism inside out.
5. That is the starting point for existentialism.
6. Similarly the rise of Existentialism in the 1950s made an interest in matters spiritual seem like so much unfashionable hokum.
7. In literary theory they emerge as Marxism, phenomenology, existentialism, structuralism, poststructuralism, deconstruction.
8. There is a dominant sense of existentialism running through your books, beginning as far back as your first novel.
9. Radical subjectivism brings the anguish and forlornness of existentialism to man at the close of dualism.
10. And this philosophy is called existentialism in the western.
11. His Christian existentialism has continued to be influential.
12. That is the first principle of existentialism.
13. Such is the first principle of existentialism.
14. That is the very starting point of existentialism.
15. So,( Dithyramb spirit and Sartre's existentialism get the art emersion in her novels.
16. Therefore, existentialism falls into to person's realistic destiny sighing with sadness, becomes the people from the sorrowful self-pity pessimism and misanthropy philosophy.
17. Any discussion of existentialism really has to begin with Jean-Paul Sartre's lament that the word is so loosely applied to so many things that it no longer means anything at all.
18. While these people call their philosophy existentialism, actually they should call it accidentalism.
19. In sense of existentialism, love is subject to the liberty of others and is against absoluteness.
20. Existentialism is a school of philosophy widely in the modrn western world.
21. One branch of western philosophy, Existentialism, is very similar to Buddhist ideas.
22. Mr Murray has no time for the fashionable preoccupations of academic critics or for the dead-end road of existentialism.
23. In the context of post-war uncertainty it is relatively easy to relate existentialism to abstract expressionism.
24. Doesn't that imply a belief in intrinsic essences that is in direct contradiction with the fundamental principles of existentialism?
25. This article believed that there is basic difference in the subject of existence, human as well as practice view, disassimilation theory and so on between Existentialism and Marxism.
26. The youth rebellion of the 1960 s had many elements of Nietzschean radical existentialism.
27. In fact, even the early Marx on disassimilation is also fundamentally different to Existentialism.
27. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
28. The works we discuss feature everything from Russian melodrama to middle-aged erotic fiction to sharp-witted existentialism.
29. It is the latter which is the deeper meaning of existentialism.
30. Then this part investigates the source of theory and the relationship between Camus and existentialism.
More similar words: nonexistentexistencepotentiallisten topotentiallyessentialitydistentionconfidentialitysocialismlistencolonialismglistenlistenerspecialistglisteningessentialsequentialmaterialistictangentialessentiallyresidentialdeferentialinessentialinfluentialpestilentialdeferentiallyconsequentialpreferentialpresidentialpenitentiary
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