1) Better lose a jest than a

2) A
friend is easier lost than found.

3) Lend your money and lose your

4) A
friend is known in necessity.

5) A
friend is, as it were, a second self.

6) A
friend is best found in adversity.

7) An open enemy is better than a hollow

9) He that doth lend,(http://sentencedict.com/
friend.html) doth lose his friend.

10) A
friend without faults will never be found.

11) Prove thy
friend ere thou have need.

12) A true
friend is for ever a friend.

13) Without a
friend, the world is wilderness.

14) Avoid the ford on which your
friend was drowned.

15) Choose an author as you choose a

16) Life without friend is death.
17) There is no better looking-glass than an old

18) When a
friend asks, there is no tomorrow.

19) A
friend to everybody is a friend to nobody.

20) A faithful
friend is hard to find.

21) Try your
friend ere you trust him.

22) Better an open enemy than a false

23) A courageous foe is better than a cowardly

24) A
friend is a second self.

25) At need one sees who his
friend is.

26) Trust not a new
friend nor an old enemy.

27) Make your enemy your friend.
28) A table
friend is a variable friend.

29) A false
friend is worse than an avowed enemy.

30) A
friend to all is a friend to none.
1) This is my friend Tom.
2) She confided all her secrets to her best friend.
3) My friend threw the ball back over the fence.
4) I've lent the car to a friend.
5) My friend lodges in my uncle's house.
6) Jerry, this is my friend Lucinda.
7) He's a friend of mine .
8) She's a friend of my father's .
9) I'd like you to meet a friend of mine.
10) Smith is an old friend of mine.
11) Is she a friend of yours?
12) I took a photograph of my girl friend.
13) He was loyal to his country friend, principles.
14) 'Are you a friend of Nick's?'--'Yes.'.
15) She's an old friend .
16) She was a very dear friend.
17) Is Bob an old friend of yours?
18) He has been a very faithful friend to me.
19) Is he a friend of yours?
20) He's a friend of the family .
21) I spent the evening with an old school friend.
22) He was a nephew of my friend.
23) He introduced his friend to me.
24) I reckon him as a friend.
25) He is our friend and likewise our leader.
26) I was just going to visit a friend.
27) He waved goodbye to his friend.
28) I met a childhood friend at the party.
29) Mrs Cavendish is a dear friend of mine.
30) I bought it from a friend for £10.