1. The shortest answer is doing the

2. A bad thing never dies.
3. The most exhausting
thing in life is being insincere.

4. To every
thing there is a season.

5. Too much experience is a dangerous

6. Saying is one
thing and doing another.

7. A little knowledge is a dangerous

8. You can have too much of a good

9. There's no such
thing as bad publicity.

10. A
thing of beauty is a joy for ever.

11. If you venture nothing,(sentencedict.com/
thing.html) you will have thing.

12. A
thing is bigger for being shared.

13. Take one thing with another.
14. For a lost
thing care nothing.

15. Judge not of men and
thing at first sight.

16. Initiative 10is doing the right
thing without being told.

17. There's no such
thing as a free lunch.

18. There is many a fair
thing full false.

19. A little learning is a dangerous

20. One of the most striking and salutary
thing in Ameican life is the widespread study of law.

21. One cannot do a foolish
thing once in one's life, but one must hear of it a hundred times.

23. The most difficult
thing in life is to know yourself.

24. If you would have a
thing well done, you must do it yourself.

25. The principal
thing in this world is to keep one's soul aloft.

26. If you would have a
thing well done, do it yourself.

27. If you want a
thing (well) done, do it yourself.

28. Wealth may be an excellent
thing, for it means power, leisure, and liberty.

29. The only
thing wealth does for some people is to make them worry about losing them.

30. A state which dwarfs its men,in order that they may be more docile instruments in its hands even for beneficial purposes will find that with small men no great
thing can really be accomplished.

1. Poor thing! You look absolutely dreadful!
2. What an extraordinary thing to say!
3. What a damn fool thing to do!
4. That's a fine thing to say!
5. What induced you to do such a foolish thing?
6. What a queer thing to say!
7. A strange thing happened this morning.
8. This is the first thing to do.
9. That was a really horrible thing to say!
10. She was just a scrap of a thing .
11. What is that thing you are carrying?
12. That wasn't a very tactful thing to say!
13. I'm at my worst first thing in the morning.
14. I feel certain you're doing the right thing.
15. What an absurd thing to say!
16. The important thing is to have agreed objectives.
17. The main thing is not to worry.
18. The annoying thing is he's usually right.
19. Genes determine the characteristics of every living thing.
20. What's the worst thing that could happen?
21. That's a terrible thing to say!
22. Let's call the whole thing off.
23. I hope we're doing the right thing.
24. I'm sorry. That was a hateful thing to say.
25. It was an odd thing to say.
26. The whole thing was a ghastly mistake.
27. Turn that thing off while I'm talking to you!
28. That'sa mean-spirited thing for a mother to say.
29. It was a wicked thing to do.
30. He's starting to wonder whether he did the right thing in accepting this job.