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Convenience in a sentence

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Sentence count:198+15Posted:2016-07-23Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: inconvenienceSimilar words: conventionconventionallenientconveyconvertconversionscienceconversationMeaning: [kən'viːnjəns]  n. 1. the state of being suitable or opportune 2. the quality of being useful and convenient 3. a toilet that is available to the public 4. a device or control that is very useful for a particular job. 
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91. The village ceased to be a voluntary, personal association and became an administrative division existing for the convenience of the state.
92. But convenience and political considerations of the moment do not justify a basic departure from the principles of our system of government.
93. Few businesses larger than convenience stores planned to open today.
94. The cell phone has turned into more than a modern day convenience, it is a status symbol.
95. Lloyds too is a substantial merchant acquirer and was the first to offer the convenience of processing both Visa and Mastercard vouchers.
96. They were quite tiny houses having no convenience and were reputed to be very damp.
97. One can only surmise that this arrangement was for the programming convenience of the television station which covered the matches.
98. Price these items in two supermarkets and a convenience store.
99. People are willing to pay higher rent for the convenience of living near mass transit.
100. If the relative robbed a convenience store, well, maybe no.
101. To conclude this discussion of convenience foods,( two points can be made.
102. Soon, the station will complete a new, larger convenience store.
103. While skiing, you can eat on the mountain, but expect to pay for the convenience.
104. Most offices are open 7 days a week - until 6 p.m. on weekdays for your convenience with caring conscientious staff.
105. Everyone enjoyed the pleasant outdoor atmosphere and setting without having to forfeit convenience.
106. Does he agree that access to justice is more important than administrative convenience?
107. If you live a fast, hectic life and you eat mostly ready-made convenience foods, try to consider some other alternatives.
108. Naturally these rules were and still are interpreted for the economic convenience of society.
109. Police spoke of a benign new law enforcement tactic no more intrusive than a video camera at a convenience store.
110. For convenience company accounts are examined but similar considerations would apply to other business entities.
111. Advantages of the nondairy toppings over whipping cream are lower fat content, lower cost per serving, and greater convenience.
112. The crew will get up to 90 servings from a dispenser set up like a soda fountain at a convenience store.
113. It's a good buy, particularly if you frequently heat convenience foods.
114. In short, if you are in the hospital for the convenience of the staff, be a good patient.
115. For instance ice which is formed on salt water is substantially fresh, to the great convenience of Polar explorers.
116. This was a highly effective marriage of convenience, helping to balance the demand for electricity.
117. This when nifty postcards of the planet are available at every convenience store, tourism agency and souvenir shop.
118. Convenience foods let you spend more quality time with your family.
119. The average number of items stocked in convenience stores is about 3, 000.
120. Please make copies of this so that you may use them at your convenience in the future to return information to the Council.
More similar words: conventionconventionallenientconveyconvertconversionscienceconversationconvinceexperienceconvincedexperiencedconferenceconsequencein consequenceeven ifinventinventoryinventionconvictefficiencyhencefenceconvictioncommenceessencesequenceevidencesentencereference
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