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Barrister in a sentence

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Sentence count:64+2 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-03-24Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: barrierbarringbarricadegarrisonsistermisterterroristcisternMeaning: ['bærɪstə]  n. a British lawyer who speaks in the higher courts of law. 
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1. They chose a famous barrister to represent them in court.
2. She practised as a barrister for many years.
3. A QC is a senior barrister.
4. Johnson was a barrister by profession.
5. After fifteen years as a barrister, she took silk.
6. The barrister represented to the court that the defendant was mentally unstable.
7. The defendant leant forward and spoke to his barrister, sotto voce.
8. The barrister remonstrated with the judge about the amount of the fine.
9. a male secretary/nurse/model or a woman/female doctor/barrister/driver. However this is now not usually used unless you need to emphasize which sex the person is, or it is still unusual for the job to be done by a man/woman:My daughter prefers to see a woman doctor.
10. He is the barrister who will appear for the defence.
11. You join a barrister for two six-month spells of practical experience.
12. The barrister member, Miss Anne Rafferty, dissented.
13. Actually, Lyell was trained as a barrister.
14. A barrister must have the confidence of the Bench.
15. So said his barrister during the ten day trial.
15. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
16. Shiranikha Herbert barrister Warren Tute:.
17. A younger son, Thomas, became a barrister and recorder of Beverley.
18. Both the barrister, and this court, accept with hindsight that his intervention was perhaps inapt or unfortunate.
19. There were on each circuit panels of barristers prepared to advise and act on behalf of any barrister threatened with a wasted costs order.
20. This places financial constraints on qualification as a barrister which do not exist for intending solicitors.
21. Most applicants are represented by a barrister or solicitor specializing in transport law.
22. Every barrister is entitled and expected to address other practising barristers of whatever eminence by their surnames.
23. He or she is a qualified Solicitor or Barrister and is paid.
24. In Court their barrister Ian Glen asked for a judicial review.
25. A barrister may appear in any court(, whereas a solicitor's rights of audience are currently limited to the inferior courts.
26. The barrister did not act for Miss Tucker at the retrial.
27. There are two exceptions: one case involving a barrister and an actress received widespread national coverage and were named.
28. The defence barrister, David Lane, then stood up to offer some brief remarks in mitigation.
29. The relationship came to light when a mysterious note was handed to a barrister at an earlier hearing.
30. They then complete twelve months of unpaid work, known as pupillage, for a practising barrister at that person's chambers.
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