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Barrel in a sentence

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Sentence count:262+12 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-19Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: barrelfulbblcaskdrumgun barrelSimilar words: quarrel withbarelybarrierarrestembarrassedcorrelationbarebarMeaning: ['bærəl]  n. 1. a tube through which a bullet travels when a gun is fired 2. a cylindrical container that holds liquids 3. a bulging cylindrical shape; hollow with flat ends 4. the quantity that a barrel (of any size) will hold 5. any of various units of capacity. v. put in barrels. 
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(1) One rotten apple spoils the whole barrel
(2) An empty barrel makes more noise than a full one. 
(3) A barrel swells in the middle.
(4) Oil prices fell to $9 a barrel.
(5) They planned to barrel the beer next Monday.
(6) This barrel holds 25 litres.
(7) The barrel had two metal hoops round it.
(8) Use this wad of cloth to plug the barrel.
(9) I felt the gun barrel at my head.
(10) That is a barrel to catch rain water.
(11) This barrel contains 50 litres.
(12) They rolled the barrel along the road.
(13) He tilted the barrel so as to empty it.
(14) This barrel can store 40 gallons of red wine.
(15) The man rolled the barrel into the yard.
(16) Oil prices were closing at $19.76 a barrel.
(17) The beer comes out of the barrel under pressure.
(18) He sold the business lock[], stock and barrel.
(19) The gun barrel grated against the floor.
(20) The barrel was aimed directly at me.
(21) Wine is leaking from the barrel.
(22) He fired one barrel and then fired again.
(23) Beer is sold by the barrel.
(24) They tapped a barrel of cider.
(25) Beer swilled around the bottom of the barrel.
(26) Life hasn't exactly been a barrel of laughs lately.
(27) They racked off the wine into a large barrel.
(28) The barrel began to spring a leak.
(29) I drew off three pints of beer from the barrel.
(30) The price of oil had fallen to $16 per barrel.
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