Similar words: convulsions, expulsion, impulsive, allusion, mansion, passion, erosion, session. Meaning: n. 1. an abrupt change in the course of a stream that forms the boundary between two parcels of land resulting in the loss of part of the land of one landowner and a consequent increase in the land of another 2. a forcible tearing or surgical separation of one body part from another.
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1. The Hook Test for Distal Biceps Tendon Avulsion.
2. Key Words: biceps ? tendon ? avulsion? rupture? elbow.
3. Objective To discuss the clinical effect about flyback avulsion injury of skin in foot that repaired by anterolateral thigh flap and sural neurovascular flap with their neural anastomosis.
4. Even relatively minor trauma can result in avulsion of the splenic substance.
5. Stage I. Rupture of deltoid ligament or avulsion of medial malleolus.
6. This kind of avulsion was embarrassed and suffering as well as the strong spiritual procreative power from the original citizen life.
7. Objective To study the treatment of the skin avulsion wound.
8. Objective To investigate a method to distinguish avulsion fracture from sesamoid , accessory bone, and permanent osteoepiphyte.
9. Objective Sum up the experience of preventing the avulsion of perineum when delivery.
10. Objective?To treat upper trunk avulsion of brachial plexus by neurotization using a part of ulnar nerve. The clinical outcome and the role of intraoperative EMG monitoring was discussed.
11. Methods 33 cases of acute tibial insertion avulsion fracture of posterior cruciate ligament were treated arthroscopically through routine portal and double posteromedial portal.
12. In the operation, firstly, fixative steel-wire cross the avulsion fracture tendon-bone joint zone.
13. Results The 29 callan patients were all avulsion fracture after sport.
14. Objective : To investigate the therapeutic of avulsion fractures of spina iliac.
15. The lateral projection (fig. 2D) demonstrates an avulsion of the posterior malleolus,[] documenting a completed stage IV pronation-lateral rotation injury.
16. Objective To report type and early treatment experience of root avulsion of the obstetric brachial plexus palsy.
17. For the children elbow injury, we should put attention to the diagnosis and treatment of cap-like avulsion of epiphyseal cartage in distal end of humerus.
18. Objective To summarize the experience of caring 3 cases of avulsion of whole scalp.
19. Objective : To investigate the difference of E - Selectin expression during vascular avulsion injury.
20. Forging defects of mould cavity non-saturate, crack, pucker and shearing edge avulsion, etc. on the astrictive clamps and operating scissors are studied by means of appearance and metallography.
21. Objective To evaluate the treatment outcome of nerve fascicle transfer for treatment of brachial plexus root avulsion.
22. The glue material using N 326 has higher Stretching intensity , avulsion intensity, abrasion character and resisting character.
23. Vujacic said he wasn't sure when he suffered the avulsion fracture.
24. Objective To study the effects of surgical therapy of avulsion fracture of tibial condyle.
25. Objective: To provide anatomical basis for diagnose and treatment of roots avulsion of brachial plexus.
26. Results: T-588 administration successfully prevented motoneuron loss and ameliorated the choline acetyltransferase immunoreactivity in the ipsilateral nucleus ambiguus after vagal nerve avulsion.
27. Objective To analyze the causes of polyuria after scalp avulsion injury and discuss treatment measures.
28. Neurotization using a part of ulnar nerve is a practicable procedure for restoration of elbow flexion in upper trunk avulsion of brachial plexus.
29. The ruptured interosseous ligament is obvious in this case from the diastasis of the tibia and fibula,( and the small avulsion fragment from the lateral aspect of the tibia.
30. Objective To study the protective effects of Schwann cell derived neurotrophic factor (SDNF) on motoneurons of spinal anterior horn from spinal root avulsion induced cell death.
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