Synonym: characteristic, distinctive, representative, symbolic. Similar words: typically, tropical, medical, logical, ethical, musical, radical, chemical. Meaning: ['tɪpɪkl] adj. 1. exhibiting the qualities or characteristics that identify a group or kind or category 2. of a feature that helps to distinguish a person or thing 3. conforming to a type.
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211 In a typical United Kingdom five-member constituency 250,000 votes might be cast.
212 A typical example is Victoria Kagi, who was diagnosed with bone cancer.
213 How typical of Graham, mused Celestine, I bet half the class is thinking of bondage.
214 Of course, no day is typical and there are particular tensions which emerge in the few weeks before the Christmas break.
215 The report shows a typical family of a man, a woman and two children spends an average of £372 a week.
216 It was not a typical privatization, since all shares were sold to employees - what we call an employee buyout.
217 A breeding pair will chose a site for spawning and defend it with typical cichlid aggression.
218 In a typical year about 40 stray Magellanic penguins used to arrive in the Rio area between June and August.
219 None the less, we must admit to grave reservations about what passes for training in the typical self-defeating organization.
220 His move to Baronsmead followed a fairly typical career progression.
221 One such is the following chart, which can be used to devise typical bureaucratic phrases that sound impressive but mean nothing.
222 It could have been your typical ugly argument over a fare between an irate passenger and a hired driver.
223 Typical of these is the GRiDPad, a ruggedly built, pen-operated computer made by GRiD Computer Systems.
224 As I explain further below, aggressive behaviour is regarded as typical only of lowlanders and spirits.
225 Table 8. 7 provides a comparison of two typical processing options.
226 Fractals, using simple mathematical algorithm to produce complex objects typical of those which occur naturally.
227 The national dailies loved this and immediately jumped on Morrissey's back in a typical display of hounding.
228 But supporting a bewildering variety of good causes is typical of the famous in the late-80s.
229 Pollution control work, then, is typical of the many areas of social control characterized by goals of regulation rather than repression.
230 In practice this may not be onerous as very limited factual information is contained in the typical advertisement.
231 Some might say that typical annual percentage rates of around 24 percent are crippling.
232 This bending of the rules was typical of Rabari thrift and good sense.
233 It was a typical women's downhill course: relatively low-speed, but extremely technical with tight corners.
234 Many political commentators and opposition leaders see his move as a tactical retreat-a typical Haider trick.
235 Wasn't that just the typical end to a perfectly awful day?
236 This appears to be a circular argument, typical of closed-belief systems.
237 To some degree the decreasing number of workers on the typical farm makes this close personal contact inevitable.
238 It is typical of a certain sort of domestic architecture which exudes an air of virtue and solidity.
239 All the typical woodland flowers can be found here in abundance, including serene displays of lily of the valley.
240 Well, the typical mailing list also contains a series of records divided into fields.
More similar words: typically, tropical, medical, logical, ethical, musical, radical, chemical, critical, clinical, basically, vertical, historical, technical, ironically, political, classical, practical, physically, identical, electrical, theoretical, practically, politically, mechanical, biological, ecological, theological, historically, dramatically.