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Opportunity in a sentence

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Sentence count:154+46Posted:2016-07-25Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: chanceoccasionopeningspelltimeturnSimilar words: fortunatelyunitysupportcommunitysupportersupportivein support ofopposeMeaning: [‚ɑpər'tjuːnətɪ /‚ɒpə't-]  n. a possibility due to a favorable combination of circumstances. 
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121. Old established friends are notably absent, so it's a good opportunity to make new contacts.
122. When the opportunity came, I seized it with both hands.
123. This gave Bill an opportunity to hobnob with the company'spresident, board chairman, and leading executives.
124. The President took the opportunity to hit out at what he sees as foreign interference.
125. The press followed the president round the hospital, waiting for a photo opportunity.
126. Australia represented a real land of opportunity for thousands of people.
127. Many people are opposed to the new law, but have had no opportunity to articulate their opposition.
128. If they want to climb the ladder of success they should be given that opportunity.
129. If you have to take the floorboards up, take the opportunity to lag any pipes at the same time.
130. This gave Mr White an opportunity of collecting his thoughts.
131. The opportunity was too good to miss so we left immediately.
131. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
132. It's the sort of opportunity you see only once in a lifetime .
133. The club offers an opportunity for like-minded people to get together.
134. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank my colleagues for their support.
135. I was denied the opportunity of learning French at school.
136. I trust you will take the earliest opportunity to make a full apology.
137. The government now has the opportunity to grasp the nettle of prison reform.
138. All the participants in the debate had an opportunity to speak.
139. He has been using every opportunity to boost his credibility as a budget cutter.
140. During the riots hundreds of people seized the opportunity to steal property.
141. The government now has an opportunity to demonstrate its commitment to reform.
142. I don't really enjoy these conferences, but they're a good opportunity to do some networking.
143. Trendy teachers are denying children the opportunity to study classic texts.
144. It gives students the opportunity to practice their speaking skills.
145. You really ought to make the most of the opportunity, because you won't get a second chance.
146. I don't have much opportunity for leisure pursuits these days.
147. The theory assumes the existence of a "meritocracy"?that there is equal opportunity for all.
148. The meeting will be an opportunity for everyone to give vent to their feelings.
149. When the opportunity for promotion came , I wanted to be ready.
150. The opportunity to travel is one of the main attractions of this job.
More similar words: fortunatelyunitysupportcommunitysupportersupportivein support ofopposeopposedopponentoppositionunitunitemunitionsportimportreportexportportionairportportrayreport onportraitreporterportfolioimportantreportingtransportreportedlyproportion
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