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Fragment in a sentence

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Sentence count:202+3 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-22Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: divisionfractionpartportionsectionsegmentSimilar words: segmentpragmaticfragilecommencementamendmententertainmentsentimentmomentMeaning: ['frægmənt]  n. 1. a piece broken off or cut off of something else 2. a broken piece of a brittle artifact 3. an incomplete piece. v. break or cause to break into pieces. 
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1 She read everything, digesting every fragment of news.
2 I heard only a fragment of their conversation.
3 A fragment of the Cross is enshrined in the cathedral.
4 These bullets fragment on impact.
5 I overheard a fragment of their conversation.
6 The government is planning to fragment the industry before privatizing it.
7 Do not let the discussion fragment into a desultory conversation with no clear direction.
8 The satellite will fragment and burn up as it falls through the Earth's atmosphere.
9 This was only a fragment of a long conversation with John.
10 Comets, being weak,( fragment at high altitudes.
11 There are two points worth noting about this fragment of conversational discourse.
12 Typically the biggest fragment produced by breakup is 10 to 50 percent of the total mass.
13 Nurture that dream, or even the tiny fragment of a dream that excites you and gives you hope for the future.
14 Renin and atrial natriuretic peptide restriction fragment length polymorphisms: association with ethnicity and blood pressure.
15 This cDNA fragment was used to screen several murine cDNA libraries.
16 I shall talk about a breakaway fragment in order to emphasize my point.
17 A separately organised night-nursing service tends to fragment patient care.
18 He lifted Tallis in his hand,[] the small fragment of coal that she had become.
19 The text which has come down to us is only a fragment of the original.
20 fragments of conversation. It can also be used with countable nouns to mean a small part of something:a fragment of the story.
21 Just imagine the hippocampus playing back a partial spatiotemporal pattern to the cortex-maybe a fragment of something from the previous week.
22 One day as I arrived at the palace my horse shied at the sight of a white fragment on the ground.
23 Once one looks away from the north, Gloucester's connection appears to fragment.
24 After larger doses, chromosomes are seen to break and cell nuclei to fragment.
25 In 1910, the Hon Charles Rothschild purchased 138 hectares of this fenland fragment and declared it a nature reserve.
26 At the end of the barn he saw a fragment of raincoat material between two bales.
27 The topic framework consists of elements derivable from the physical context and from the discourse domain of any discourse fragment.
28 At times, the book jumps from place to place in a jarring way, only to fragment at crucial moments.
29 So much of history is mystery. We don't know what is lost forever, what will surface again. All objects exist in a moment of time. And that fragment of time is preserved or lost or found in mysterious ways. Mystery is a wonderful part of life. Amy Tan 
30 This method provides a means of obtaining DNA markers distributed along the length of a specific restriction fragment.
More similar words: segmentpragmaticfragilecommencementamendmententertainmentsentimentmomentmentorcommentelementmentallymentionpaymentailmentmovementmomentumdocumentcomment onmonumentbasementapartmentequipmentplacementtournamentin a momentexperimentstatementimplementtreatment
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