Similar words: telecommunications, communication, definition, recognition, conditions, community, edition, addition.
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1. The army used precision - guided munitions to blow up enemy targets.
2. Artillery munitions were an even larger problem.
3. The Defense Department plans to mothball a munitions plant.
4. Of course, Raskin did not use a munitions metaphor.
5. Largely as a result of Great Britain's increased munitions output and her stronger military presence on the Western Front.
6. However, the loaders comprise only one of two munitions specialties.
7. The munitions factory in Hereford seemed to be the only concession to it.
8. One of the targets, a munitions depot, went up in a spectacular display of fireworks.
9. According to Greenpeace, 1,100 tons of munitions were dumped at the site in 1991 and 8,400 tons thus far this year.
10. The blockading ships prevented delivery of munitions.
11. This is a particular challenge for munitions used by ground forces.
12. Allied M 8 Armored Car Armor upgrade Munitions cost reduced by 25.
13. In June 1945, Britain still had forty-five per cent of its workforce in the Services and munitions industries.
14. The war was lost because of a shortage of munitions.
15. During the war, Phillip worked for the government, helping with labour supply for munitions factories.
15. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
16. The Unita rebel movement claimed responsibility for the attack, saying that the train was carrying munitions and was a legitimate target.
17. Of special importance, the Air Force also delivered more than nine out of ten of all the precision-guided munitions.
18. Based in Toronto and Pennsylvania, it will focus on converting munitions into reusable commercial material and reclaim explosive waste sites.
19. There had been an enormous increase in the accuracy and destructiveness of all munitions, owing to the introduction of information technologies.
20. In 1943 he was seconded from the army to advise on how to reorganize the munitions factories.
21. In 1918-19 he was chairman of the inter-allied conference on standardization of aircraft components and deputy member of the munitions council.
22. Even if I satisfy my conscience by doing so, how about the issue of the munitions industry?
23. Today's killer drone is a slow - flying, easy - to - spot turboprop plane that drops relatively - crude munitions on its targets.
24. She was now in the second year of active munitions production after long covert preparations.
25. One day we visited the cabin of a mountain man who had a collection of rifles and pistols dating back to the Civil War, then explored a cave the Confederates had used for munitions storage.
26. Operation Barbarossa caught the Russians flat-footed: warplanes on the ground, tanks on rail cars, munitions in the open.
27. Panzer Elite AT Halftrack Treadbreaker ability cost increased from 25 munitions to 40 munitions.
28. The Chinese government says that Japan left some 2 million chemical munitions —shells, bombs and barrels of deadly agents such as mustard gas, phosgene, hydrogen cyanide and lewisite.
29. U.S. intelligence indicates that Saddam Hussein had upwards of 30,000 munitions capable of delivering chemical agents.
30. The LLDR is a man-portable modular target locator that designates high-priority targets with precision munitions using the Target Locator Module (TLM) and the Laser Designator Module (LDM).
More similar words: telecommunications, communication, definition, recognition, conditions, community, edition, addition, position, condition, coalition, tradition, exhibition, additional, transition, in addition, expedition, opposition, composition, traditional, acquisition, practitioner, consumption, traditionally, in addition to, construction, constitution, conservation, relationship, consideration.