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Stimulate in a sentence

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Sentence count:223+5Posted:2016-07-21Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: activateenergizeinvigoratemotivatemoverousespurstirAntonym: deadenSimilar words: stimulusregulateinsulatedcalculatespeculatemanipulatearticulateestimateMeaning: ['stɪmjəleɪt /-jʊl-]  v. 1. act as a stimulant 2. cause to do; cause to act in a specified manner 3. stir the feelings, emotions, or peace of 4. cause to be alert and energetic 5. cause to occur rapidly 6. stir feelings in 7. provide the needed stimulus for. 
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151. To stimulate the spirit of the poor in sullen, lonely angst is hyperplasia of mammary gland flocculus "catalyst".
152. In order to satisfy people's pursuit of speed and stimulate, an assumption that designs a new three wheels sport car was presented.
153. Astaxanthin could stimulate the ovarian development of E. sinensis and accumulate protein in oocyte and vitellin.
154. Domestic academic circles have beenengsaged in indepth investigation concerning how to stimulate the vitality MEs.
155. The difference between the motion of the fish and the otoliths stimulate cilia on the sensory hair cells that are located in the inner ear.
156. China's newly vigilant banks might also have something to say about the big steel and iron ore stockpile build-up at mills during last year's efforts to stimulate the economy through easy loans.
157. Aso has vowed to stimulate Japan's domestic economy, possibly by increasing government expenditures.
158. Thirdly, it can stimulate secondary immune respond and speedily for the inbreak of similar antigen.
159. The bacteria may speed up learning because the Raphe nuclei stimulate a brain region called the hippocampus, which handles spatial memory, she says.
160. Stimulate your child's auditory senses and encourage their sense of rhythm and dance.
161. Efficiencies: While supplying moisture, it can stimulate elastin formation from fibrocyte , balance grease secretion, tighten pore, let skin soft and relaxed.
162. 1930 - Great Depression: US President Herbert Hoover goes before Congress and asks for a US$150 million public works program to help generate jobs and stimulate the economy.
163. In addition, men, buggery more to stimulate the prostate, and in the height of the prostate can provide a radical excitement.
164. Objective To study the effect and mechanism of amylin upon oral sulfonylurea drugs and its action to stimulate the islet cell secretion of insulin in rats.
165. For example, the sun may stimulate existing melanocytes to regenerate, and the selectively whitened areas may require frequent "maintenance" with the monobenzone.
165. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
166. Next, stimulate the penis with the hand, when feeling to what have ejaculation, stop, after waiting for a feeling to disappear basically resumptive stimulation.
167. We postulated that static magnetic fields stimulate osteoblastic differentiation by regulating early local factors released by the cells.
168. Anaphylactogen can stimulate bodies and force the body to response. Anaphylactogen from foods can also bring diseases, it becomes an important problem in society.
169. Also try to stimulate response from non-participating members by specifically directing questions starting from closed and slowly moving towards open questions.
170. The soybean peptide has much branched chain amino acids and glutamine which are reported to stimulate muscle hypertrophy.
171. The culture supernatant could stimulate the neurite outgrowth of PC12 cells.
172. But Reaganomics introduced the idea that virtually any tax cut would so stimulate growth that the government would end up taking in more revenue in the end (the so-called Laffer curve).
173. Metoclopramide sensitizes tissues to acetylcholine to stimulate upper GI tract motility without stimulating gastric, biliary, or pancreatic secretions.
174. As the extraordinarily high drop-out rate testifies, it is useless because it fails the first test of university teaching - that it should stimulate the interest of those being taught.
175. Bilberry 's fruit contains flavonoids and anthocyanin, which serve to prevent capillary fragility, thin the blood, and stimulate the release of vasodilators.
176. Maria Montessori advocated respect for the mind of the child, within the prepared environment, as the way to stimulate curiosity, inquisitiveness, and life-long learning.
177. It is the act of using the mouth and tongue to stimulate the female genitals.
178. A banana is like a natural sleeping pill. Besides containing melatonin and serotonin in small quantities, a banana also contains Magnesium, material that can stimulate muscle relaxant.
179. By reducing the investment risk, tax incentives stimulate the early stages of wing power developmet.
180. Analysts say Beijing is supporting wage increases as a way to stimulate domestic consumption and make the country less dependent on low-priced exports.
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