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Stimulate in a sentence

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Sentence count:223+5Posted:2016-07-21Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: activateenergizeinvigoratemotivatemoverousespurstirAntonym: deadenSimilar words: stimulusregulateinsulatedcalculatespeculatemanipulatearticulateestimateMeaning: ['stɪmjəleɪt /-jʊl-]  v. 1. act as a stimulant 2. cause to do; cause to act in a specified manner 3. stir the feelings, emotions, or peace of 4. cause to be alert and energetic 5. cause to occur rapidly 6. stir feelings in 7. provide the needed stimulus for. 
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121. They are designed to stimulate the circulation which in turn helps to eliminate the toxins and fatty particles.
122. Water in Bio2 was diverted from one locality to another like so much federal spending meant to stimulate a regional economy.
123. She is just the sort of girl to stimulate the artistic temperament.
124. Her own prosperity depended to some degree on providing loans to stimulate overseas economies in which her own products could be sold.
125. But this was a music of thought, not sound, and its purpose was to stimulate an alternative state of consciousness.
126. In July, an anti-corruption drive was also launched to stimulate the economy.
127. Performance management: providing the means to enhance competency and stimulate development in order to achieve organisational objectives. 4.
128. In the next decade, microcomputers will stimulate radical changes in every part of the educational system.
129. The one mechanism they have at their immediate disposal to stimulate growth is the exchange rate of their currencies.
130. Even if we eat and drink well, we become sluggish inside without exercise to stimulate the metabolism.
131. He also called for an early announcement of a balanced energy policy to stimulate the heavy engineering sector.
132. Their function is to stimulate a pragmatic approach to teaching and teacher education.
133. The CIA must stimulate and support opposition to the regime in Baghdad.
134. This would then stimulate other institutions to change their rates too, in order for them to remain competitive with the clearing banks.
135. It merely seems to stimulate the body to produce more and more to match the daily need.
136. What it can do is to stimulate interest and encourage teachers to think about the implications of their practices.
137. Parents should find ways to stimulate their children's desire to learn.
138. This inhibits the growth of a market which would stimulate local economic development and so promote the expansion of manufacturing firms.
139. This entailed a responsibility to stimulate the growth and development of new economic enterprises.
140. The station, through its deejays(Sentencedict), came to symbolize and help stimulate the segregated economy of Memphis.
141. And we will act where a push by government is needed to stimulate the provision of childcare.
142. The key to meeting this challenge was to stimulate private investment in the city.
143. They do also help to achieve and sustain rapport and stimulate the respondent's thinking.
144. Anticholinesterase drugs stimulate nerve-impulse transmission, and corticosteroids may help.
145. Murthi says that channeling their knowledge and natural creativity can stimulate economic growth, and produce long-lasting beneficial effects which will have repercussions far beyond their generation.
146. If the patient has apparent bladder to stimulate symptom, hematuria or pyuria, but asepsis make water person, want to notice to have kidney tubercular possibility.
147. EXAMPLE: The reports of huge profits being made in the sales of the worthless product were just flimflam invented to stimulate investment by naive people.
148. OBJECTIVE We evaluated whether a whey preload could slow gastric emptying, stimulate incretin hormones, and attenuate postprandial glycemia in type 2 diabetes.
149. Results the ethanol extracts obtained from Xiaobai Mixture can stimulate melanogenesis in the skin of guinea pigs.
150. He was a physical-fitness freak: running, lifting weights and experimenting with 23)isometrics and 24)electrical impulses meant to stimulate his muscles while he slept.
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